
get assurance in a sentence

1) The community organized and got assurances from the city government that was not the case.

2) The council is putting the bid on hold until it can get assurances overthe project's viability.

assurance collocations
3) We have had several meetings with her political secretary Ahmad Patel, but have only got assurances.

4) It seems to me there is no way of getting assurance if we neglect such a duty.

get assurance example sentences

5) The ILP was able to get assurances that the Communist Party would stop interfering in its affairs.

6) I demand from the UN that we get assurances that supplies and troop rotations are possible via Syria .

7) Getzlaf said he got assurance from management and owners Henry and Susan Samueli that they intend to change that .

8) Last year, German-owned Aldi supermarkets withdrew from purchase negotiations after failing to get assurances on its plans for a food store.

9) It is a good idea to get assurance that the work will be handled in a logical and professional manner so it is easily understandable much after the completion.

10) Saudi Arabia said a US$3 billion grant for arms, signed along with France, was pending approval after the election of a new president to get assurances Hezbollah would not benefit.

11) Karzai told his officials to get assurances from local leaders that the girl, called Spogmai, would not be harmed by hefty relatives upon her return.

12) So keen were the locals to see Otago cricket strengthened that there was no difficulty in getting assurances for the £350 a year salary which was to be offered to Crawford.

13) RAIL passengers could soon be hit by a series of one-day strikes after RMT, the biggest railway union, failed to get assurances over job losses, a spokesman for the union said last night.

14) We can not get assurance on other aspects of their businesses, so we need to ensure social housing activities and assets are insulated from other risks.

example sentences with assurance

15) Shoppers get assurance over glass risk

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