
genuine authentic in a sentence

1) Ensure your experiences are genuine, authentic and true.

2) True in the sense of real, genuine, authentic.

authentic collocations
3) He created a world at Naropa that was genuine and authentic.

4) These are genuine and authentic objects ; some even have flesh congealed on them.

genuine authentic example sentences

5) I would like to know how genuine and authentic are his claims before progressing further.

6) The freedom of society and the possibility of genuine authentic response is threatened when every action is monitored and gamified.

7) The pleasure centers in our brains light up particularly bright when viewing something that we trust to be genuine and authentic.

8) I loved the writings you shared, your sense of humor, and your genuine and authentic way of being present.

9) To make the film appear more genuine and authentic, most of it was filmed on location in rural Benoit, Mississippi.

10) The Mossman Gorge Centre is an eco-tourism venture that provides visitors with a genuine, authentic opportunity to engage with Indigenous Australia.

11) However, if something fails in our schools, then it is clearly not true, genuine, authentic, unadulterated, real, dedicatedly, professionally executed Lurpofactsomosis.

12) LoveNote. . . "I love genuine and authentic expressions of love and I witnessed them all over the place this weekend at Mike and Megan's wedding in Scottsdale, AZ.

13) J. C. Helm, Worthing, Sussex, who undertook to satisfy inquirers that the map of Canada, with its autographs, was now proved to be genuine and authentic.

14) For this remarkable man of Turkish origin came to consider the so-called "Theology of Aristotle" to be a genuine, authentic Aristotelian work.

example sentences with authentic

15) ItÂ's a chance for the guysÂ' personalities to really shine and a chance for us to see them in an extra genuine and authentic setting.

16) All fine diamonds, colored gemstones, platinum jewellery and gold jewellery sold by Primestyle.com is genuine, authentic and made with high quality and value.

17) Here we had precisely the issue of the photo book that would connect the genuine, authentic "Arnold Odermatt" with a possible gap in the market – the diary of a uniformed officer, on and off duty!

18) He never considers himself part of the expatriate crowd because he is a working man; to Jake a working man is genuine and authentic, and those who do not work for a living spend their lives posing.

19) Conditions put on them by those around them make it necessary for them to forego their genuine, authentic lives to meet with the approval of others.

20) Instead, you can simply get a sign onto a virtual document that is genuine and authentic and that doesnít look or give the feel of a copied signature from anywhere.

21) And we are now informed that all the genuine, authentic verified LSD flashbacks and hallucinations that were provably reported didn't exist.

22) They will be genuine, authentic and maybe opinionated but you will be confronted in most cases with the latest reality of that particular niche or micro niche.

23) So, I'm putting gas in my car – what's glamorous about that?! I think it's just being able to filter information and put out what's genuine and authentic to you.

24) Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy uses genuine and authentic Rudraksha beads sourced from Nepal and Indonesia and methods of usage and stringing as mentioned in ancient Puranas and Upanishads.

25) These are genuine authentic moments that are not preconceived, and usually I am rewarded with great footage but more importantly unique stories that lead to more opportunities.

26) Processed relationships get scare quotes: Facebook "friends." Processed relationships can't be as genuine or authentic or honest as real life friendships.

27) " Absolutely the real, genuine, authentic thing - nothing Mickey Mouse/Walt Disney stuff, you know - what you see is what you get.

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