
general awareness in a sentence

1) general awareness of good behavior is important.

2) Raising general awareness about the scale of the big fish problem.

awareness collocations
3) To create general awareness about HAM radio in public.

4) Overall, students really felt difficulty in the general awareness section.

general awareness example sentences

5) As per as concern of general awareness section history question was too confusing.

6) The general awareness deficit of ASEAN and AEC across the region.

7) Provide a general awareness of risk issues for all engineers during their initial formation.

8) This learning package has been developed to support induction and general awareness training on risk management.

9) Furthermore, its intention was to create general awareness of art among the Polish society.

10) But for raising general awareness, I think the money and the cult angles are great.

11) Institutions like school added to the general awareness of Arab identity and generated criticism of imperialism.

12) In Australia, there is a general awareness of corporate social responsibility among both producers and consumers.

13) According to preliminary reports from the students, the general awareness part of the paper was really tough.

14) However, a third-party label tells the story at a glance and can be beneficial in raising general awareness.

example sentences with awareness

15) The public in the United States has a general awareness of embryonic stem cells because of the stem cell controversy.

16) There also needs to be a general awareness of the relationships between turnover, profit, retained earnings and dividends.

17) These publications helped to spread his teachings to the general public and raise the general awareness and knowledge of Buddhism.

18) Methods to raise general awareness often include television programs, documentary films, internet communications, and posters. and posters.

19) Rather, practitioners in this area require a sympathetic ear and to have a general awareness of the needs of landowners.

20) Omniscience, the quizzing competition of the festival has quizzing events based on Entertainment, general Awareness, Business and Sports.

21) He has attended many TV shows including Good Morning America and The 700 Club and contributed towards general awareness about healthy living.

22) The prevention of many suicides will continue to be hindered until there is a general awareness of the nature of this pain.

23) The entrance test will focus on your English and Mathematical skills, ability to reason logically as well as your general awareness.

24) As a consequence of this initial perception he felt the general awareness of all staff had to be built - and built rapidly.

25) Men's Health Week aims to promote gents to actively seek assistance with health issues and raising the general awareness of getting things checked out.

26) The event aims to bring general awareness to, and about, mental health issues, and this year's focus surrounds the association between mental health disorders and chronic illness.

27) OPC reviewed and commented on these reports at the PSC's quarterly hearings and actively participated in the PSC's general awareness and outreach work group, monitoring and evaluation activities.

28) Nevertheless, by the latter part of the fifth century BC there was a greater general awareness of the significance of time than there had been previously.

29) There is an emphasis on the need to increase general awareness and specialist training for all professionals involved in the delivery of autism related services.

30) The only real difference in the method nowadays is that then, there was a far higher general awareness of the power of herbs.

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