
general aspect in a sentence

1) This chapter deals with more general aspects of partnership agreements.

aspect collocations
2) My interests have lately been in more general aspects of identity.

3) Proceed from the most general aspects to the more specific.

general aspect example sentences

4) General aspects of the Study of Plant Nutrition.

5) Chapter 1 dealt in some detail with the more general aspects of managerialism.

6) End-of-year questionnaires can be used to cover more general aspects of the course.

7) These resources are intended to cover general aspects of frontier and pioneer life and settlement.

8) There are some consoling exceptions; but we exhibit the general aspect of protestantism.

9) The University's public risk indemnity insurance policies provide cover for the general aspects of honorary appointments.

10) Some further general aspects of cases involving impulsive components have been clarified by Ferrari (1988).

11) Two general aspects of Williamson's analysis of organizational forms are seen in this explanation of internalization.

12) My teaching duties include teaching more general aspects of analytical science, toxicology as well as mass spectrometry.

13) One must judge which will be the. probable result from the general aspect of the horoscope.

14) The general aspect of Autibes town, however, is at present mediaeval, or even seventeenth century.

15) The most general aspects of the universe are not an objects that can be studied under the microscope.

example sentences with general aspect

16) In May he began a (mostly geological) country diary he called "The general aspect ".

17) Once the general aspect had been finalised, it was used as the template for a silicone rubber mould.

18) There are two general aspects of any study that attempts to delineate a power structure and understand its workings.

19) On the other hand, the general aspect is quite different from the juvenile specimen MCZ No. 108072 described above.

20) Greg Jones MD, of the Valdese Cancer Center in North Carolina discusses general aspects of breast cancer treatment.

21) In their general aspect , they remain completely unchanged; hence, no cereal or oats will grow from it.

22) The scientific method is useful to study the behaviour of particulars but not to study the most general aspects of Nature.

23) It enables a person to consider and form an opinion on the general aspects of recurrent situations in advance of their occurrence .

24) Of crucial interests to our concerns is a rather more general aspect of Saunders's work on the significance of the home.

25) For now, We shall limit Ourself to mentioning some general aspects of African Catholic life at this particular moment of history.

26) You can ask a question about using the Q series in your classroom , or about any general aspect of teaching English.

27) The soils appeared well supplied with organic matter and the color of the foliage and the general aspect of crops indicated good feeding.

28) Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social wellbeing.

How to use general aspect in a sentence

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