
fundamental axiom in a sentence

1) Nulle terre sans seigneur was one of the fundamental axioms of feudalism.

2) Schleiermacher had no doubts about it: it was the fundamental axiom of his whole system.

axiom collocations
3) Thomas says that the fundamental axioms of ontology are the principle of non-contradiction and the principle of causality.

4) There are two fundamental axioms that underlie real analysis (and in particular distinguishes it from real algebra ).

fundamental axiom example sentences

5) However, this fails to acknowledge a fundamental axiom of social work practice; namely that language not only reflects but also shapes social reality.

6) Fortunately, the most fundamental ethical axioms seem to be nearly universally accepted, usually because they are necessary for societies to function.

7) A disadvantage is that translating an imperative program to a state holder form does not make it obey the fundamental axioms of equality.

8) A fundamental axiom presented is that an ordinary human being is not really human at all, but rather an intellectual animal (a rational animal) with consciousness asleep.

9) It was a fundamental axiom of hers that all of life was sacred, as that was what "incarnation" was about.

10) Rather than starting with "experience", Aristotle begins "a priori" with the law of non-contradiction as the fundamental axiom of an analytic philosophical system.

11) During the 1970s, however, the whole basis of analysis shifted when what had been accepted as fundamental axioms were falsified by economic experience in the real world.

12) A fundamental axiom of biology used to be that cell fate is a one-way street –once a cell commits to becoming muscle, skin, or blood it always remains muscle, skin, or blood cell.

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