
function autonomously in a sentence

1) In the course of its activities workshops were added that functioned nearly autonomously.

2) The Provider would have collaborative oversight but would need to function fairly autonomously.

autonomously collocations
3) The Provider would function autonomously, but there is collaborating physician support on-site.

4) The microgrid can then function autonomously.

function autonomously example sentences

5) Lower Egypt and Thebes functioned autonomously, and shared limited contact with each other.

6) Societies differ in different genres, and in some fantasy or historical contexts a twelve-year-old protagonist might be functioning autonomously.

7) Given the long distances involved, the crew must function autonomously and develop their own work schedules and solve operational emergencies themselves.

8) The Provider would be working with minimum physician supervision in the clinic and also function autonomously in the ER with physician back-up available via phone.

9) Because on such missions the astronauts will need to function largely autonomously, and will need to be proficient in many different areas.

10) This entails managing the vehicle, communications and ground control systems allow NAVs to function autonomously to carry a sensor payload to achieve the intended mission.

11) First, in Britain the primary basis of relationships is centred on the workplace itself where unions and managements function largely autonomously with no substantive, external, regulative framework.

12) National churches functioning autonomously exist today in eleven countries, and national groups from a variety of countries have asked to be identified with us.

13) " The 1.3-metre, 50kg android, which functions completely autonomously, then demonstrated some signature moves - including running, kicking a ball and jumping.

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