
foreign adventure in a sentence

1) Many millions died from his domestic and foreign adventures .

adventure collocations
2) That means a lot of foreign adventures , since the domestic economic situation is pretty weak.

3) We shouldn't be surprised about this; throughout history, foreign adventure has reinforced dictatorships.

foreign adventure example sentences

4) Moreover the people of the southern Sudan were hostile to any foreign adventure in their land.

5) But first, off on a foreign adventure , here's Tim Russon with tonight's sport.

6) The defender's first foreign adventure was as a teenager, when he moved to Italy to join Bologna.

7) I have the memories of many foreign adventures , but to forget them, would surely be a sin.

8) Yet , there's reason for optimism: Most Canadians oppose our foreign adventures , including our Afghan adventure.

9) Even Rahman Gumbo found our Premiership to be attractive again, he came back home from his foreign adventure .

10) Ultimately , our servicemembers die on account of warmongering politicians that are unable to extricate themselves from reckless foreign adventures .

11) And it is, above all, rarity of war and absence of foreign adventuring which is the key to understanding early modern Scotland.

12) Bill Clinton's foreign adventures were brief and shallow and, lo and behold, American crime and opiate and coca use declined.

13) About 85 per cent of the cars using the drive-on, drive-off shuttle service are Brits invading Europe, confirmation of our taste for foreign adventure .

14) A very public spectacle of a violent outcome to this latest foreign adventure and a purely fascist regime would be too much to bear.

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