follow ambush in a sentence
1) The French responded by attacking fortifications Washington erected following the ambush , forcing his surrender.
ambush collocations
2) His men were gradually worn down and, following an ambush , Äịnh committed suicide to avoid being captured.
3) July 18 - Reports said 18 Russian soldiers and two guerrillas perished following an ambush near the village of Zhani-Vedeno.
follow ambush example sentences
4) The fight ended in a North Korean victory following a successful ambush of US forces which resulted in heavy American casualties.5) On 17 July 2004, he was kidnapped at gunpoint following an ambush of his convoy and wounding of two bodyguards.
6) The attack followed an ambush by members of the rebel Movement of Democratic Forces in Casamance (MFDC) on Dec. 11 in which two Senegalese soldiers were killed.
7) According to Gethins, Breen was targeted by the IRA after he had given television interviews in the days following the Loughgall ambush .
8) This action followed the patrol ambush and the subsequent battle for the Twin Tunnels area some high ground three miles southeast of Chipyong-ni.
9) In "Home," a flashback revealed that Cyrus brought Alice to the White Rabbit's house where his wife (voiced by Whoopi Goldberg) helps to heal Alice following an ambush .
10) On May 4, following the last ambush of a Legion convoy, a joint force of British, Arab Legion and irregular troops launched a major punitive attack on Kfar Etzion.
11) By 20 September there were further deaths following a MÄori ambush at Warea and reprisals by the 43rd Regiment and Mounted Corps.
12) The only regret that we had following the ambush was that there were only two policemen in it, instead of the six we had expected.
13) Ramlee said almost 1,000 people had left the village last week following the ambush and 300 had yet to return as of today .
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