
flee abroad in a sentence

1) Many leftwingers fled abroad and around 20,000 dissidents were murdered .

2) He decided that he had no alternative but to flee abroad .

3) Achym fled abroad to avoid the consequences of his crime.

flee abroad example sentences

4) Over 140,000 refugees had fled abroad .

5) They find out Alisha tries to flee abroad with her boyfriend .

6) Berezovsky said he had briefly fled abroad because of threats against him .

7) All the Parchamis had fled abroad through the Jamiat controlled areas.

8) Harry Dubar, who resigned and fled abroad in late June.

9) A number of other well-known government critics fled abroad or went into hiding.

10) Thousands of middle class liberals fled abroad , especially to the United States.

11) The majority of the "apostates" fled abroad , particularly to Lithuania.

12) Some of the members of government fled abroad and were never brought to trial.

13) Hakan helps him to flee abroad , but Berrin must marry him.

14) The Social Democrats were outlawed, and their leaders were imprisoned or fled abroad .

15) Several high government officials, including Defense Minister Safet Zhulali, flee abroad .

use flee abroad in a sentence

16) They blackmailed Nazi criminals who fled abroad after the war into spying for them.

17) Many of them fled abroad .

18) Hundreds of thousands of Republicans fled abroad , with some 500,000 fleeing to France.

19) Interpol joined the hunt for Katie when fears grew that the youngster had already fled abroad .

20) His letter of remorse never reached Suleiman and he was forced to flee abroad to avoid execution.

21) Edmund Ironside's sons Edward and Edmund likewise fled abroad , Edward eventually to Hungary.

22) Alfred and his friends barely escape and flee abroad to the neighboring country of Great Reedland.

23) The Messenians who had fortified themselves on the mountain either fled abroad or were captured and enslaved.

24) Some 860,000 Syrians have fled abroad and several million are displaced within the country or need humanitarian assistance.

25) Peyton's plotting was discovered, and, charged with high treason, he fled abroad to Holland.

26) An estimated 3.4 million Zimbabweans, a quarter of the population, had fled abroad by mid-2007.

27) Distinguished men who fled abroad to escape the prevailing despotism did much for intellectual progress by encouragement and example.

28) More than 900,000 Syrian refugees have fled abroad , including some 185,000 in 17 camps in neighbouring Turkey.

How to use flee abroad in a sentence

29) The scholar emphasises that this is also proven by the drastic drop in the number of refugees fleeing abroad .

30) John and other members of the family fled abroad , some to Virginia, others to the Continent.

31) Prince Boworadej fled abroad .

32) Locke fled abroad in 1683 and lived in the Netherlands, apparently on his own resources, until 1689.

33) Both he and the brothel keeper, Charles Hammond, managed to flee abroad before a prosecution could be brought.

34) The difference is that, unlike the Russian czar, the Ukrainian president did not abdicate, but fled abroad .

35) One is a fugitive from justice who fled abroad while the other is at her desk at Securities and Exchange Commission .

36) When there was no longer any point in fighting at home for their own land, many of these MacMahons fled abroad .

37) Some of his companions died with him, a few fled abroad , but most took refuge in Kenilworth Castle in Warwickshire.

38) Edith may have fled abroad (possibly with Harold's mother, Gytha, or with Harold's daughter, Gytha).

39) After the killing, the Catholic church shielded priests and bishops implicated in the slaughter and helped some of the most notorious to flee abroad .

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