
find asylum in a sentence

1) Carter authorized the State Department to try to find another asylum.

2) Why don't your people find an asylum for you?

asylum collocations
3) Sitriuc Silkbeard returned having found no asylum in the north.

4) From there Cuban immigrants traveled to the Texas-Mexico border and found asylum.

find asylum example sentences

5) The Bishop of Annecy found asylum there under the assumed name of Pierre.

6) This is because the verse deals with the cities of refuge where accidental killers can find asylum.

7) Nineteen out of 20 claiming asylum were found to be ineligible when their claims were eventually examined.

8) He flew to Europe, supposedly to seek medical treatment, but tried to find political asylum.

9) Refugees flee conditions in their home countries and find temporary asylum in refugee camps or communities in neighboring countries.

10) When Hyder Ali of the Kingdom of Mysore occupied Malabar in 1773 the Raja of Kottayam found political asylum in Travancore.

11) He fled to Gotha and found asylum with Duke Ernest of that little city, remaining there until his death in 1811.

12) The Huguenots not only might not enjoy in France the equal protection of the laws, they could not hope to find an asylum abroad.

13) Against those odds, the Obama administration focused on the prospect that Snowden – who had cited interest in finding asylum in Iceland or Latin America – would abandon his Moscow perch.

14) Fugitives who find asylum must pledge an oath of adjuration never to return to the realm, after which they are free to find passage to the borders of the realm by the fastest way.

example sentences with asylum

15) In 1789, Tipu sent forces to the Malabar to put down a rebellion; many found political asylum in Travancore and Cochin in the wake of his advance.

16) In the history created by Stocke refusing to leave Heiss, Stocke finds asylum in the desert nation of Cygnus, and convinces King Garland the Mighty to prepare for war against Granorg.

17) Anthony Philpott a journalist for "The Boston Globe" travelled to Mexico to investigate the incident but could find no lunatic asylum or Dr. Cintz as described by Piper's control.

18) Some Italian far left activists found political asylum in Nicaragua, including Alessio Casimirri, who took part in the kidnapping of Aldo Moro.

19) The situation in Hamburg was unstable because in 1408 members of the senate of Lübeck had found asylum in Hamburg, after they were expelled by the citizens of Lübeck.

20) Nurturing no territorial ambitions wherever they found asylum, Jews solely contributed to the prosperity of their host countries which ensured a good reception.

21) Operation Just Cause, whose purpose was to capture Noriega, led to the toppling of his regime; Noriega found temporary asylum in the Papal Nuncio, and surrendered to U.S. soldiers on January 3, 1990.

22) The immigrants involved were admonished: "In the United States the oppressed of all nations find an asylum, and all that is asked in return is that they become law-abiding citizens.

23) This first of all targeted the pretender Charles Stuart, who had since 1648 found asylum in the Republic at the court of his sister Mary and her husband stadtholder William II.

24) She ordered the arrest of Branislav and his family and Branislav died in captivity, whilst his other 6 brothers and sons found asylum in Ragusa.

25) Williams transformed his local NAACP branch into an armed self-defense unit, for which transgression he was denounced by the NAACP and hounded by the federal government (he found asylum in Cuba).

26) And in the 1970s, a small but well publicized wave of Chilean and Argentine political refugees (see Chilean coup of 1973) found asylum in France.

27) Batista eventually found political asylum in Oliveira Salazar's Portugal, where he lived until dying of a heart attack on August 6, 1973, near Marbella, Spain.

28) Matilda finds asylum in the Castle of Wolfenbach: a castle inhabited by old married caretakers who claim that the second floor is haunted.

29) In addition, Serbia's ruler Milan Obrenović IV was annoyed that Serbian opposition leaders like Nikola Pašić, who had escaped persecution after the Timok Rebellion, had found asylum in Bulgaria.

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