
father absence in a sentence

1) Father absence is another major cause of child poverty.

2) Father absence is a real problem – it matters.

3) Join our team and help us end father absence !

father absence example sentences

4) During her father's absences abroad, Isabel acted as regent.

5) Our research and mission is all about the effects of father absence .

6) This study also revealed a statistical significance between father absence and adolescent self-esteem.

7) Father absence clearly diminishes a child's prospects for success in adult life.

8) Does being in a stepfamily mitigate the effect of father absence on children?

9) Father absence is linked to poverty, crime, teen pregnancy, and education.

10) In my fathers absence , my mother conducted the service in the same manner.

11) Today's New York Times carries the poignant story of father absence and reconciliation.

12) Boxing became Mayweather's outlet – a way to deal with his father's absence .

13) The analysis indicates that father absence can have a detrimental effect on adolescents' lifestyle choices.

14) Because of his father's absence , Matthias's education was tasked to his mother.

15) The statistics of father absence are potent, and illuminate several aspects of the Malvo case.

use father absence in a sentence

16) Malvo's story is less about crime than about how crime is connected to father absence .

17) His son Caradog, who is left to defend Britain in his father's absence .

18) Despite this fact, we have done too little to address father absence in our nation.

19) The sad fact is that not only does father absence hurt children, fathers suffer as well.

20) Find fatherhood research detailing the problem of father absence in America on our father absence research page.

21) What impact has this post had on your view of father absence generally and in the U.S.?

22) Do differences in children's wellbeing predate family disruption or are they are a consequence of father absence ?

23) Allow me to remind you that you are head of the family in your father's absence .

24) The effect of father absence is proportionately greater among Anglos, though overall rates of teenage mothering are lower.

25) Proportionally, father absence appears to hurt the educational success of white youth more than other racial and ethnic groups.

26) Regardless of race and other societal factors, you cant always expect well-behaved children in the face of father absence .

27) From 1333 he administered the lands of the Bohemian Crown due to his father's frequent absence and deteriorating eyesight.

28) Daddy bloggers like Matt from DC Urban Dad also joined the NFI team as we raced to end father absence .

How to use father absence in a sentence

29) For girls, friends' drug use was the main predictor of drug use, while father absence was for boys.

30) As they do with school failure, race and economic background influence the effect of father absence on labor market success.

31) In contrast, father absence increases the school failure risk among African Americans and Hispanics by 75 percent and 96 percent respectively.

32) In other words, father absence is not just correlated with problems for children – it is a cause of those problems.

33) We estimate that as much as half of the disadvantage associated with father absence is due to the economic insecurity and instability.

34) Bill's father's absences , and those of his mother, meant that Koch and his brothers enjoyed little childhood warmth.

35) Although Cathy rarely leaves the borders of the Grange, she takes advantage of her father's absence to venture farther afield.

36) He must rule over Winterfell in his father's absence , and rise up to the challenges that will seek him out.

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