
fate await in a sentence

1) The same fate awaited nurses who tried to treat patients properly.

2) Does the same fate await my web work?

await collocations
3) That fate now awaits Britain's poorest.

4) A similar fate awaits today's triumphalist powers.

fate await example sentences

5) A similar fate awaited the Cursed soldiers.

6) The same fate awaited Austin's colony of San Felipe.

7) This returned them to Khundia where a grim fate awaited.

8) People assumed that the same fate awaited Charlotte Aglaé.

9) A similar fate surely awaits the CR-Z in Canada.

10) The fate awaiting ordinary civilians in both countries during the 1980s was decidedly uncertain.

11) A similar fate awaited the second enemy machine which went spiralling down in flames.

12) I wonder whether he had a premonition as regards the fate awaiting him.

13) A similar fate awaits you if you allow Females to take over your world .

14) A similar fate awaits a world with a population explosion if only the symptoms are treated.

example sentences with await

15) Carouse on God's Holy Feasts, and this is the fate awaiting you!

16) A similar fate awaited the Thasians after they tried to leave the League in 465 BC.

17) If that happens, Zenn knows only too well the grim fate awaiting the creatures she loves.

18) This was to be the last ever Magna (a similar fate awaited the KW Verada).

19) What fate awaited her?

20) However a magical crane told Kleting Kuning to participate in this event where her true fate awaited her.

21) She felt sure that a similar fate awaited me, if I did not desist from my enterprise.

22) On the eve of his own political crisis, Mr Major must wonder if the same fate awaits him.

23) Putting carrot in rabbit's cage or rabbit in wolf's without understanding what fate awaits for both is stupidity.

24) A worse fate awaits even larger stars - those initially of about 10 or more times the Sun's mass.

25) The same fate awaited his successors, leaving Castel Gandolfo to fall into a type of hibernation for several decades.

26) What fate awaited the civilian population is horrifyingly out lined in David Lampe's book "The Last Ditch".

27) Their bodies were left for several hours to serve as an example of the fate awaiting people who oppose the regime.

28) Similar fates await buildings formerly owned by the secret police, which in many districts have been inherited by the local authorities.

29) Roger's hunting Ralph with a spear sharpened at both ends suggests that a similar fate awaits Ralph before he is rescued.

30) The book tells the story of an errant knight who is given a preview of the fate awaiting the wicked after death.

31) Because his father was buried alive after a bout of catalepsy, newlywed Carrell is convinced that the same fate awaits him.

32) On the other hand, the fate awaiting those who oppose the revival is exclusion from the Body by a violent division.

33) Wow, can it get any clearer as to what fate awaits the American people, especially the Patriots on the Right?

34) Of course, jealousy will cause Othello to do much more than merely lose sleep–which then might make you wonder about the imaginary fates awaiting the song's characters as well.

35) The terror was widespread and sadistic, intended as a warning of the fate awaiting those foolhardy enough to disregard the orders of the occupying army.

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