
fall asleep in a sentence

1) Beau was bored and literally falling asleep .

asleep collocations
2) Frost is fog that has fallen asleep .

3) One falls asleep after having been awake.

fall asleep example sentences

4) Dietrich falls asleep while the maiden watches.

5) He ran through it once before falling asleep .

6) If your father had ever fallen asleep .

7) He was very hungry and fell asleep .

8) Falling asleep is a challenge unless physically exhausted.

9) I fell asleep before the story was completed.

10) As one world falls asleep another awakens.

11) Not until 7 am did I fall asleep .

12) The group drank and did drugs and each fell asleep .

13) Use relaxation techniques to help you fall asleep .

14) It was long after midnight before he fell asleep .

15) That really helps - you can actually fall asleep .

example sentences with fall asleep

16) The disciples fell asleep and failed that simple request three times.

17) An hour later she fell back asleep .

18) It also helps infants and young children fall asleep .

19) I slid under the covers and promptly fell asleep .

20) Some people fall asleep during the scan.

21) He climbed into bed and immediately fell asleep .

22) Have you ever fallen asleep while you were presenting?

23) It was past midnight when she finally fell asleep .

24) Or drunk falling asleep on the street.

25) The flowers will fall asleep and depart.

26) I could not fall asleep until 9am!

27) She falls asleep and the monsters once more emerge.

28) The player travels by train and falls asleep .

How to use fall asleep in a sentence

29) She was too tired to read and fell asleep .

30) The baby fell asleep at its feed.

31) She closed her eyes and fell instantly asleep .

32) Vince falls asleep this news is so boring.

33) He lit a candle but soon fell asleep .

34) Falling asleep in 60 seconds or faster is easy .

35) This driver fell asleep in a motorway traffic jam.

36) He fell asleep once his head hit the pillow .

37) With an equally high likelihood of falling asleep .

38) She slowly fell asleep in my arms.

39) Her memories disappear every time she falls asleep .

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