
explain absence in a sentence

1) His absences are usually explained as "gone fishing".

2) Race has been used to explain the absence of research.

3) However, her absence is not explained until the next episode.

explain absence example sentences

4) That explains the absence of signal moving to the right.

5) How does she explain Dad's absence to the children?

6) This might add significant length, so perhaps that explains the absence .

7) City officials said they cannot explain the absence of such records.

8) It explains the absence of any pre-Hispanic architecture in Manila.

9) Second, the episode explained the absence of Mrs. Eppes.

10) His absence was explained on-air that he retired from wrestling due to family.

11) That goes a long way toward explaining the absence of noise and vibration.

12) The movie also explains the absence of the Little Mermaid's mother.

13) It also explains the absence of the universalist gesture in Mouffe.

14) Manik explained the absence of an on the move beverage culture in India.

15) This explains the absence of purely factional lists as factions became a tool of families.

use explain absence in a sentence

16) This explains the absence of superconductivity at ambient pressure in caesium-doped C60 solids.

17) Specifically, it explains Nightcrawler's absence from "The Last Stand".

18) Their absence is explained through telegrams the family receives from Grace, and Jim Flett.

19) Her two-year absence is explained by her waiting until the fuss surrounding her disappearance had died down.

20) Therefore, only Figure (a) Explains the large absence of mass along fracture zones.

21) Others have explained the absence of transitional organisms as the result of their putatively tiny size.

22) These absences are always explained away in terms consistent with the roles they take in human society.

23) Dexter theorizes that the killer murders his victims in extreme cold, explaining the absence of blood.

24) He next called local jury commissioners to explain the absence of African Americans from Jackson County juries.

25) This may explain the absence of CH 4 in the breath of many people in western populations.

26) This may explain the absence of methane in the breath of 40-50% of western populations.

27) It was first and foremost cold and other bad weather that explained younger children's absence from class.

28) During the ceremony, Kelly explained Freud's absence by saying he had "another bicycle accident".

How to use explain absence in a sentence

29) This may explain the absence of ethical concerns in his discussion of the military applications of new technology.

30) The suspension was used to explain Benjamin's absence from ROH, while he was working in Japan.

31) WWE explained Weber's absence by saying that JBL "fired" her after an episode of "SmackDown!

32) Expository dialogue explains Mott's absence from "The Runaway Bride" by the character having had Spanish flu.

33) Dairy products were a foreign concept to the Chinese, which explains the absence of cheese and milk in their diet.

34) His absence is explained by Jake in the Season 6 premiere episode in which Jake claims he went on a vacation.

35) This was used to explain Cosme's absence when he departed from the company to wrestle in the International Wrestling Association.

36) To explain Earthquake's absence , the WWF showed footage of Yokozuna wrestling Earthquake and claimed that Earthquake had sustained an injury.

37) This was a pretext to explain R-Truth's absence during his suspension as a result of his violating of the Wellness Policy.

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