
enjoy the atmosphere in a sentence

1) enjoy the atmosphere in the local villages.

2) It's about enjoying them and enjoying the atmosphere.

atmosphere collocations
3) When you visit be prepared to relax and enjoy the atmosphere.

4) They want to enjoy the atmosphere that they create.

enjoy the atmosphere example sentences

5) They were cracking smiles and enjoying the atmosphere in the cosy venue .

6) How are you enjoying the atmosphere?

7) Spent the afternoon here and really enjoyed the atmosphere and the food.

8) the new deck is a great place to sit and enjoy the atmosphere.

9) She settled once more to enjoying the atmosphere, feeling rather hyped up.

10) No admission is charged and everyone is free to walk around and enjoy the atmosphere.

11) Or, just potter about and enjoy the atmosphere of this charming village.

12) Come and enjoy the atmosphere.

13) the prevailing during the midday heat means no hitch to approach the show and enjoy the atmosphere.

14) And, contrary to her belief, she found she was enjoying the atmosphere at Parkwood.

example sentences with atmosphere

15) Meanwhile, folks, why not relax and enjoy the atmosphere: Jimbo alone in the tower.

16) Follow the Two Foot Heritage Walk and enjoy the atmosphere created by wide avenues and elegant old buildings.

17) I enjoy the atmosphere.

18) I'm not the biggest sports fan, but I always enjoy the atmosphere u0026 energy of the park.

19) I went to a few of these and enjoyed the atmosphere, the camaraderie, of a shared passion.

20) the bookstore is usually filled with foreigners and locals alike, enjoying the atmosphere and lounging around in the café .

21) With two locations in the Dells area, we promise you will enjoy the atmosphere as much as the game.

22) In stead, you can stay until late on one of its little taverns by the sea and enjoy the atmosphere.

23) After enjoying any one of these activities come back to the lodge and enjoy the atmosphere of our licensed dinning room.

24) the release in Argentina had been delayed for four months in order to enjoy the atmosphere of the presidential election in Brazil.

25) You can hang out on the beach, go whale-watching, play golf or just enjoy the atmosphere over a fantastic meal.

26) In Lisbon, we will stay at Hotel do Chiado, located in the historic center of Lisbon to enjoy the atmosphere.

27) I might be a little bit biased, having spent my college days there jumping around enjoying the atmosphere of a school that's often ranked near the top as far as happiness goes.

How to use atmosphere in a sentence

28) the Lounge Bar, located in the heart of the hotel, allows guests to enjoy the atmosphere of the city tasting snacks and selected drinks.

29) the whole team is very motivated and we look forward to enjoy the atmosphere of the rally and the magic of the African tracks.

30) Everyone agrees that the town has done a super job renovating the downtown area to become a destination for dining, strolling and enjoying the atmosphere.

31) She would dearly love some daughters to be able to pass her jewellery on to and, coming from a large family, she enjoys the atmosphere that plenty of children create.

32) Moat House 10 is a duplex apartment adjacent to the Moat House and is an ideal retreat for anyone wanting to spend some quality time just relaxing, and enjoying the atmosphere of this historic abbey.

33) And perfect for the end of the season: the air is more crisp at night, friends enjoy the atmosphere, and you won't get cold.

34) She told me it was once her dream to open a tea shop so that she could enjoy the atmosphere of talking people.

35) We look after the boat handling, cooking and cleaning, leaving you free to enjoy the atmosphere, sights and sounds of the river and it's environs.

36) John – there are many young people who cruise your boats who enjoy the atmosphere the DJs bring to the Lido on the sea days.

37) Its a game to go out and enjoy the atmosphere and the occasions, and just play the game we all love playing.

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