
endurance athlete in a sentence

1) This is why typically only endurance athletes are at risk.

2) My husband and I are newly vegan and endurance athletes.

athlete collocations
3) This strong recovery supplement is a must for any endurance athlete.

4) How do green smoothies affect endurance athletes?

endurance athlete example sentences

5) There are exceptions however - typically the ultra-long distance endurance athletes.

6) Anne's approach made sense since she understands what an endurance athlete needs.

7) She treats many top endurance athletes and specialises in muscle balancing for injury rehabilitation.

8) For endurance athletes, krill oil's helps the muscles to recover quickly.

9) Strength and power athletes are much better off in this regard than endurance athletes.

10) Sunny Blende provides a review of five great cookbooks targeting the endurance athlete.

11) Heat management skills are crucial for the success and safety of all endurance athletes.

12) An endurance athlete will be likely to cope with the increased 'work.

13) Fruitarianism, or very high-carbohydrate diets, is best suited for endurance athletes.

14) As an endurance athlete, you need to keep going for the long haul.

example sentences with athlete

15) Are you an endurance athlete looking for steady energy to go the extra mile?

16) My husband more so than me, but I'm still an endurance athlete!

17) Because training at this specific effort level is usually not good for the endurance athlete.

18) But make no mistake drivers are endurance athletes despite how much some NASCAR drivers might weigh .

19) It is stated that endurance athletes should undertake carbohydrate loading for around 3 days prior to competition.

20) Participants consisted of six trained endurance athletes, while the apparatus consisted of a cycle ergometer.

21) Successful endurance athletes are those who can perform at a high level but with minimal effort.

22) endurance athletes tend to undervalue the need for proper sport nutrition as they train and compete.

23) He was a climber and endurance athlete with an interest in altitude's impacts on athletes.

24) Although seen as a powerful stimulant, caffeine can be a great supplement for endurance athletes.

25) Merckx was cleared to start after medical colleagues said the hearts of endurance athletes were often unusual.

26) endurance athletes should eat about 2.5 grams of protein per day for every pound of body weight.

27) It doesn't matter if you lift weights, cross train, or are an endurance athlete.

How to use athlete in a sentence

28) This may be an endurance athlete or someone who trains with a higher than average training frequency.

29) endurance athletes differ from strength-building athletes in that endurance athletes do not build muscle mass from training.

30) endurance athletes differ from strength-building athletes in that endurance athletes do not build muscle mass from training.

31) Indeed, a characteristic "desaturation" pattern is often seen in trained endurance athletes when they exercise.

32) While I do not consider myself an " endurance athlete," I live an extremely active life.

33) Bradycardias may also be present in the normally functioning heart of endurance athletes or other well-conditioned persons.

34) A more general model that includes short events will be presented after the discussion of the endurance athlete.

35) I see too many endurance athletes who are constantly time-constrained and stressed, which chronically elevates cortisol levels.

36) Perfluorocarbons are banned from sports, where they may be used to increase oxygen use for endurance athletes.

37) Airway dysfunction is prevalent in elite endurance athletes and when left untreated may impact upon both health and performance.

38) After intense aerobic effort, high endurance athletes were also found to have lower free testosterone the next day.

39) endurance athletes can also benefit from Glutamine supplementation as it has been shown to improve muscle glycogen replenishment.

40) Born To Run author Christopher McDougall tells Gelf why humans are the best endurance athletes in the world.

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