
elite athlete in a sentence

1) An elite athlete endless pool training tank.

2) These elite athletes are exactly that – elite .

athlete collocations
3) Watching the elite athletes complete the race.

4) Additionally, he is an elite athlete.

elite athlete example sentences

5) Other facilities continue to be used by elite athletes.

6) elite athletes have a significantly higher rate in eating disorders.

7) Only elite athletes can compete in it.

8) I am not religious, nor some elite athlete.

9) Psychological predictors of injury among elite athletes.

10) High profile or elite athletes are tested significantly more frequently than others.

11) Designed for the elite coach, elite athlete and sports scientist.

12) Fueling the elite athlete is a huge problem.

13) But Jeremy Wagner is not your typical elite athlete.

14) But that is never the case in research on elite athletes.

example sentences with athlete

15) For elite athletes, the greatest benefit may be quicker recovery times.

16) elite athletes tend to be more clued-in .

17) These intensities are too stressful for most athletes, especially elite athletes.

18) elite competitive athletes often travel across time zones for national and international competitions.

19) Despite this ban some elite high-level SCI athletes continue to boost.

20) elite athletes simply just do better .

21) Time for the first wave, the elite athletes were off first.

22) Another ' British' elite athlete.

23) The event included thirty-nine elite athletes.

24) Remodeling of left ventricular hypertrophy in elite athletes after long-term deconditioning.

25) This includes only elite athletes with intellectual disabilities diagnosed before the age of 18.

26) When Dr. Tabata did his research, his subjects were elite level athletes.

27) No one is born with the anticipatory skills required of an elite athlete.

How to use athlete in a sentence

28) And ICAR tested our elite athletes.

29) Do elite athletes use Vitargo®?

30) Talent identification and selecting an appropriate partner are therefore logical approaches to creating elite athletes.

31) Adults, including elite women athletes, have also been subjects of such treatment.

32) However, even among elite athletes there are variations in self selected footstrike types.

33) A primer on core work used by elite athletes coached by Pascal Dobert.

34) In all, he claimed 60 elite athletes with aspirations of expanding to 100.

35) He still needs to show scouts he's more than just an elite athlete.

36) USADA maintains a group of elite athletes as part of its registered testing pool.

37) Why are elite athletes able to speed up when they see the finish line?

38) Our über elite young men are actually fragile daisies carefully disguised as über elite athletes .

39) No one familiar with the doping practices of elite athletes took Olympic drug testing seriously.

40) The Pakistan Army has a noteworthy sports program with elite athletes in many sports disciplines.

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