
easy availability in a sentence

1) One of its main advantages was the easy availability of ammunition in many locations.

2) A key element was the easy availability of iron ore, coal, and manpower.

availability collocations
3) easy availability makes it easy to go there when you want to escape.

4) The easy availability of online information has fundamentally changed the way people buy and sell homes.

easy availability example sentences

5) But the apparently easy availability of drugs adds another element of danger for the American student .

6) Analgesic overdose attempts are among the most common, due to easy availability of over-the-counter substances.

7) The values and components are not critical; the components shown were selected primarily for easy availability.

8) High toxicity and relatively easy availability made propoxyphene a drug of choice for right to die societies.

9) Mainly these events are seen as a USA problem due largely to the easy availability of guns.

10) We urge particularly the importance of restricting the easy availability of guns and other weapons of violence.

11) The easy availability of bank lending in recent years served to obscure an underlying lack of capital provision.

12) In the near future of Mek, the easy availability of cyborg enhancements creates deep cultural rifts.

13) Many activists and politicians have expressed concern over the easy availability of Internet pornography, especially to minors.

14) Despite the easy availability of more revealing glamor imagery, bikini modeling remains popular and can still create controversy.

example sentences with availability

15) How much of your workforce does NOT sit at a desk with easy availability to a government computing platform?

16) Bars and Coins Platinum is available as coins and bars with many jewellers today, making for easy availability.

17) Such behavior is fueled by the easy availability of cheap alcohol and prevalence of aggressive ad campaigns by alcohol manufacturers.

18) Congress makes specific findings between the easy availability of firearms and the level of juvenile and youthful violence and criminality.

19) Systems management enables a manager to work more efficiently because of easy availability of information in different aspects of business.

20) However, in spite of the easy availability of these tablets, their sales are just about "ok".

21) A popular choice of working fluid is ammonia, which has superior transport properties, easy availability, and low cost.

22) Since then flax has lost its importance as a commercial crop, due to the easy availability of more durable fibers.

23) Tomorrow there will be more and easier availability of proofs and a larger grey market trading in private information would emerge .

24) Students report 70% more copying of written homework than online homework, consistent with easier availability of answers for written homework.

25) The new platforms need to show enhanced functionality, lower software and hardware costs, and, above all, easy availability.

26) easy availability of gadgets, use of technology and access to analyst information were behind the trend, the survey found out.

27) On 27 December 2007, Xinwen Lianbo aired a report about the wide and easy availability of explicit content on the internet.

28) In addition, the pricing of alcohol so that it is competitive with soft drinks, coupled with its easy availability, contributes to an environment that is conducive to problematic use of the product.

29) Over the past 30 years, there has been a positive correlation between the easier availability of vodka and premature death statistics, say scientists.

30) So to the extent that the easy availability of a calculator reduces kids' patience to learn those things, technology has the potential to make people worse at math.

31) It was the free and easy availability of real music and online content that enabled this industry to spark, sizzle, and finally burn.

32) The American record store often seems a dying breed - pushed to the side by high-profile franchises, hit hard by the easy availability of online music, and confronted by a difficult economy.

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