
earn award in a sentence

1) Those who win at internationals earn awards and college scholarships.

2) Members can earn awards appropriate for their age level.

award collocations
3) It has no upper age limit for its members to earn awards.

4) A contractor may earn award fee only for performance rated above satisfactory or excellent.

earn award example sentences

5) Freshmen earn awards as well and there are special scholarships for seniors.

6) The Contractor is not required to submit a separate voucher for earned award fee.

7) In 2007, the album was certified Platinum and earned awards from different organizations.

8) Upgrade points can be earned by doing various tricks and earning awards around the city.

9) earning awards for loving videogames and wanting to make them is ridiculous and pretty darn sweet .

10) Players can earn awards (ribbons, badges, and medals) for certain in-game accomplishments.

11) The Register also earned awards from the 2914 National HBCU Student News Media Conference.

12) The 117th also earned awards for having the best ANG flying unit in the United States.

13) For all levels, earned awards go on the front of the vest or sash following official placements.

14) But the process earns awards, and more importantly, it brings in the customers who want something special.

example sentences with award

15) DPZ regularly appears in the news, delivers keynotes, spearheads movements, and earns awards because we share.

16) It is mandatory for a stallion to prove himself in sport, and mares complete performance requirements to earn awards.

17) Might be nice to be able to adjust the number of correct answers needed for the user to earn awards .

18) This one is an interesting concept as through several rounds it allows traders to participate and earn awards more than once.

19) Students eligible for free or reduced lunches may also earn awards for good scores on Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate exams.

20) At the 2001 Brit awards in February, Coldplay earned awards for Best British Group, and Best British Album.

21) By contrast, when not in a rage, Knight was a model student and often earned awards for her good behaviour.

22) In addition, a large number of individual members also earned awards, including one Medal of Honor and 11 Silver Stars.

23) Tesomas has earned awards from the Scouting National Accreditation Committee for being one of the top Boy Scout Camps in the nation.

24) A record number of 181 students earned awards, scoring 95% marks in CBSE Class XII English examination, while escalating the school's academic fame.

25) In addition to these achievements, two club members earned awards: Jim Kohli earned his second Competent Communicator and Bruce Bradshaw earned his Advanced Communicator Bronze.

26) In the early days of the Boy Scouts of America many camps around the country had "honor camper" programs where a scout could progressively earn award patches.

27) Her untiring work received accolades from victims' rights groups and educational institutions, and earned awards from Mothers Against Drunk Driving and Cleveland State University.

28) If you are already a Kobo user, simply use your account to sign into your new device, access your library, buy new eBooks, and earn awards on Reading Life.

29) At the last evaluation, which is final, the Contractor's performance for the entire contract will be evaluated to determine total earned award fee.

30) For purposes of earning award fee, the Mentor firm's performance shall be evaluated to determine the degree to which the participation went beyond (exceeded) the negotiated SDB goals commitment.

31) At that point, the total contract award fee pool is available, and the contractor's total performance is evaluated against the award fee plan to determine total earned award fee.

32) Reruns of season 1 scored higher ratings than its first airing and the series earned award recognitions, including five Emmy award wins in 1983.

33) On June 28, 2009 three Fort Lee police officers earned awards in the Law Enforcement Motorcycle Skills Competition to benefit Special Olympics New Jersey that was held in Lyndhurst, NJ.

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