
early autumn in a sentence

1) This is a superb cake for early autumn.

2) They are most common in early autumn.

autumn collocations
3) The best time for travelling is late summer and early autumn.

4) The best times for Frankfurt are late spring to early autumn.

early autumn example sentences

5) The blast furnace was completed in the early autumn of 1841.

6) Many shrub cuttings root well in late summer and early autumn.

7) Propagules fall from late summer through early autumn.

8) Fertilizing is usually done in early autumn.

9) The late summer and early autumn comprise training camps and exhibition play.

10) Blackberry pies are there for the picking in early autumn.

11) Enjoy a picturesque early autumn getaway along the River Rhine.

12) The Siege of Leningrad started in early autumn 1941.

13) The Siege of Leningrad began in early autumn 1941.

14) Spring and early autumn are the periods with most pleasant weather.

example sentences with autumn

15) It is a gradual molt, which lasts until early autumn.

16) In late summer and early autumn, typhoons often bring heavy rain.

17) early autumn in Sydney, it was still bitter at home.

18) It was now early autumn and it would be winter soon.

19) The English tell you never to eat blackberries after early autumn.

20) And now in early autumn the Emerald band is making mellow music.

21) A 5.85-mile recreational swim finishes there in early autumn.

22) Increase the Oriental Poppy by division in the early autumn.

23) The early autumn near Vancouver Island, and the temperature drops slowly.

24) It's the surest sign of early autumn: everybody gets sick.

25) My in-laws go mushrooming every early autumn.

26) Aboveground activity is greatest during late summer and early autumn when juveniles become independent.

27) Our featured Innovator of this early autumn season is Carlo Ratti.

How to use autumn in a sentence

28) Adult money spiders are widespread throughout Britain in the late summer and early autumn.

29) I visited this ancient place yesterday - a fine, early autumn day.

30) Additional loops and Sunset Campground are open from late spring to early autumn.

31) Here is a glimpse of a recent early autumn afternoon musical encounter between old friends.

32) The best time of year for seeding is either late spring or early autumn.

33) The winding lanes and grey stillness of early autumn combined to soothe her spirit.

34) Late summer and early autumn were a busy time in a Potawatomi village.

35) By early autumn of 1692, Salem's lust for blood was ebbing.

36) In the late summer and early autumn of 1954, the Cyprus problem intensified.

37) However early autumn rains halted the Polish advance, which exhausted itself by October.

38) When I visited, it was early autumn, and the weather was ideal.

39) In Europe, fruiting occurs mainly during the months of summer to early autumn.

40) Holyrood will host a conference on the Commission's findings in early autumn.

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