
during your absence in a sentence

1) So much has happened during your absence .

2) Volunteers will perform periodic checks of your residence during your absence .

3) This should involve making all key decisions and even moving into your office during your absence .

during your absence example sentences

4) During your absence life in your home country has, of course, evolved as well.

5) You must remember that the regular teacher will have to take over the class during your absence .

6) If you have dependents who will not accompany you, ensure their identification cards remain current during your absence .

7) This entails a willingness to deal with client telephone calls, correspondence, and e-mail, to handle any emergency matters that may come up during your absence .

8) For example, if you are deploying overseas and are divorced from the other parent, there may be a need to relinquish your custodial rights during your absence .

9) He or she is selective in whatever she or he does , no pack at your back, no respect for you, demeans you and says all bad things about you during your absence .

10) 'We could easily arrange for a nurse to be here during your absence ,' Adam suggested.

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