
determine authenticity in a sentence

1) So please keep this in mind when determining authenticity.

2) The biggest question is how to determine the authenticity?

authenticity collocations
3) Summary of rules for determining authenticity of old photographs.

4) He told reporters that only the courts could determine the authenticity of the affidavits.

determine authenticity example sentences

5) This response can then be used by the client determine the authenticity of the server.

6) The simplest way in determining authenticity would be examining the layout of the signature C's.

7) These attributes are used by tea drinkers and collectors to determine the authenticity of the pu'er tea.

8) However, no explicit provision is made in this document for determining the authenticity or accuracy of the data being conveyed.

9) Often a thorough examination (sometimes referred to as Morellian Analysis). of the piece is enough to determine authenticity.

10) The installer doesn't attempt to determine the authenticity of certificate chains that are used to vouch for new digital identity certificates.

11) From there, they enter the grading process, where they will be viewed by multiple graders to determine authenticity, grade and possible variety.

12) However, authorities often face the problem that they have to quickly determine the authenticity of a product, i.e. whether they have an original or fake product in their hands.

13) Including a challenge is useful when the client wishes to immediately determine the authenticity of the server, before sending any further resource request messages for processing.

14) Professional specialists are sometimes called in by the pawn shop to determine the authenticity and value of the items brought in and, in some cases, to restore them.

example sentences with authenticity

15) Each swipe of the card provides a correlative number called a dynamic digital identifier that can be scored and "matched" to the originating value to determine the cards authenticity.

16) Although a Library of Congress expert said the paper on the card dated back to 1910, the three men decided to submit the card for a water test, using chemicals to determine the card's authenticity.

17) But trust management, i.e., how to determine the authenticity of a given key for a particular packet in a given application, is a primary research challenge.

18) Despite their fallings-out, Calleigh and Elliott remain friends, and she calls him in to determine the authenticity of money they confiscated during the course of a case.

19) In January 1848, Marshall detected a flake of gold on the ground at the site of Sutter's new mill, and after conducting tests, determined the mineral's authenticity.

20) In many instances, sellers will use a professional authenticator to determine the authenticity of the material they wish to bring to market.

21) The "sanad", literally'support', is so named due to the reliance of the hadith specialists upon it in determining the authenticity or weakness of a hadith.

22) Tips to determining authenticity for a Signature Coach Bag

23) "Real or Fake: Studies in Authentication" draws on Nickell's earlier works for the technicalities of paper, ink, typefaces, pens, and other keys to determining authenticity of paper documents.

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