depend on agriculture in a sentence
1) Most families depend on agriculture for their meager incomes.
agriculture collocations
2) The economy of the district mainly depends on agriculture .
3) The prosperity of most towns depended on agriculture .
depend on agriculture example sentences
4) All civilizations have depended on agriculture for subsistence.5) Most of the population depends on agriculture and fishing.
6) Economically, the area depends on agriculture .
7) Most rural households depend on agriculture and its related sub-sectors.
8) Villagers depends on agriculture only for their livelihood.
9) Nearly half of Kerala's people depend on agriculture alone for income.
10) About 2.6 billion people around the world depend on agriculture for their livelihoods.
11) The economy of Sahiwal Division depends on agriculture and agro-based industries.
12) Among Africa's poor, 90% depend on agriculture for their livelihoods.
13) Poverty in Africa is more prevalent among the rural communities that depend on agriculture .
14) The people speak Telugu language and most people depend on agriculture for farming.
15) The state depended on agriculture , but mechanization put many farm laborers out of work.
example sentences with depend on agriculture
16) Rural populations depend on agriculture and grazing both of which require a decent amount of space.17) The region's economy greatly depends on agriculture ; rice and rubber have long been prominent exports.
18) The economy of the rural areas depends on agriculture and migration to other places to work.
19) In the villages surrounding Motihari, most people's livelihood depends on agriculture and dairy products.
20) Both the Yumbos and the JÃvaros depended on agriculture as their primary means of subsistence.
21) Two-thirds of those depended on agriculture for their survival, but they rarely received a working wage.
22) Many other economic activities depend on agriculture , including marketing, processing, and export of agricultural products.
23) More than half of India s population depends on agriculture and a majority of them are subsistence farmers .
24) Additionally, economic assistance due to substantial crop losses was required, especially for families who depend on agriculture .
25) The economy, mainly during the Empire, boomed: the prosperity of the area depended on agriculture .
26) Most of the indigenous local inhabitants of the village depend on agriculture and earn their livelihood from growing crops.
27) While 69 percent of the population depends on agriculture , farming and livestock contribute only 14 percent to the economy.
28) Big River had a diversified economy that was foreign to any Saskatchewan community that depends on agriculture for its livelihood.
How to use depend on agriculture in a sentence
29) In 1930, 50 per cent of the population still depended on agriculture , compared with 10 per cent in Britain.30) In rural India, the percentage of women who depend on agriculture for their livelihood is as high as 84%.
31) Thenkasi di... Unused 8 Lakhs Leads to 3 years of Drought Dilip Pradhan says, "I depend on agriculture .
32) But all these plans are facing massive resistance from the people of the state who mainly depend on agriculture for their livelihood.
33) Across Asia, more than 2.3 billion people whose very existence depends on agriculture will see an average loss in productivity of 5%.
34) These effects are not uniform, and they have the largest impact on areas of the world where the economy depends on agriculture and the climate is sensitive to change.
35) There is an implication that many of these impacts will be detrimental-especially for the three-quarters of the world's poor who depend on agriculture systems.
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