
dental abscess in a sentence

1) Apparently none of them had a dental abscess ).

2) Hot salt water mouthwashes also encourage the draining of pus from dental abscesses .

3) Due to improper tooth development, TDO patients suffer from high rates of dental caries causing dental abscess .

dental abscess example sentences

4) The treatment of a periodontal abscess is similar to the management of dental abscesses in general (see: Treatment).

5) I remember a patient saying that the pain from a broken bone is like the throbbing pain of a dental abscess – I think he was right.

6) Improper expression of DLX-3 causes the tooth enamel to be thinner, which leads to attrition and is most often the cause of dental abscess seen in TDO persons.

7) October 21, 2013 – Today, Moses had two teeth extracted due to a dental abscess and had a psychotic reaction to the anaesthesia.

8) The image of the man's mummified body clearly shows the spatula in his head and a series of dental abscesses that would have given him bad toothache.

9) Cats and Dogs do not get cavities like humans , they suffer from gingivitis, pockets, tooth decay, dental abscess , periodontal disease and infection.

10) Localised dental abscesses may be appropriately treated by intra-oral drainage via tooth extraction, opening of root canals and/or intra-oral incision and drainage.

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