
demand assurance in a sentence

1) It also demanded assurances that LWT's original programme policies and operations were sound.

2) Tommy demanded assurance that Hereford would keep their Conference status if they paid football creditors by the Conference AGM.

assurance collocations
3) Oath in the troops proceeded smoothly until the men of Horse Artillery Regiment demanded personal assurance from Grand Duke Michael.

4) The OFT could demand assurances from the firm, which sacked staff from its Middlesbrough office after the affair blew up.

demand assurance example sentences

5) After an inquiry failed to find the source of the leak, Labour MP Peter Mandelson demanded assurance from Howard that Cameron had not been responsible, which Howard gave.

6) A spokesman for the OFT said the complaints would be considered before it decided whether to demand assurances concerning the company's future behaviour.

7) The group then demanded an assurance that the project will not cause a massive impact to the environment and asked that an independent company be appointed to conduct an unbiased EIA .

8) To jusify more public money going into schools, lawmakers should demand quality assurance, testing of the efficacy of teaching programs, not what's offered at any price now.

9) Any operator who builds a facility nearby, such as in Vaughan or Markham, will demand assurances that they will not face competition from a future casino downtown.

10) Canadian fair trade coffee com-panies have grown exponentially in the last decade, tapping into a market that seems to demand firmer assurances that farmers will, in fact, get a better deal.

11) In other words, Article 71 of the Convention parallels U.C.C. section 2-609 only to the extent that the latter permits a party to suspend performance upon demanding adequate assurances.

12) ' We demanded written assurances from across our supply chain, and additionally implemented an internal sampling programme.

13) html The EU is demanding assurances that Europeans are not having their rights infringed by a massive US surveillance programme.

14) But it can be burdensome to print page ... European Union demands Answers About Data Tapping The EU is demanding assurances that Europeans

example sentences with assurance

15) On Monday, Medical officers, Nurses and other health workers held a protest march demanding assurance of security for medical staff in the Eastern province. more..

16) (3) Acceptance of any improper delivery or payment does not prejudice the aggrieved party's right to demand adequate assurance of future performance.

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