
cultural awareness in a sentence

1) Progress in cultural awareness and linguistic achievement is assessed.

2) Go promotes patience, respect and cultural awareness.

awareness collocations
3) cultural awareness developing sensitivity and understanding of another ethnic group.

4) Compared to cultural awareness, government regulations are even harsher.

cultural awareness example sentences

5) CLV also aims to develop cultural awareness.

6) It covers cultural awareness and allows intensive practice of TPNI skills.

7) It is experiencing a revival due to recent rise of cultural awareness.

8) This club focuses on achievement leading to college and greater cultural awareness.

9) Improve cultural awareness training for police.

10) Adams has written "is a mature composer with a broad cultural awareness.

11) Saunders called for cultural awareness training for teachers and more diverse hiring practices .

12) Kannada Sangha is the club dedicated to spreading Kannada language and cultural awareness.

13) cultural awareness must be supplemented with cultural knowledge(Adams, 1995).

14) It has provided formal programmes for judicial officers about aboriginal cultural awareness and gender awareness.

example sentences with awareness

15) This means they are easily accepted by their fellows and have natural cultural awareness.

16) Folklorico dancing is a great way to promote cultural awareness through music and dance.

17) Hysteria is its own lesson and our cultural awareness levels up by experiencing such .

18) The Army provides a diverse assortment of programs to assist units in training cultural awareness.

19) Create a proactive cultural awareness of risk issues at corporate and at the individual level.

20) Such a great lesson of group cultural awareness can rarely be obtained in the classroom .

21) We are advocating a new cultural awareness for pupils in all schools from all neighbourhoods.

22) cultural awareness, on and off campus, is done by sponsoring and organizing several events.

23) The World awareness Children's Museum is a cultural awareness museum with programs for children.

24) Academic enrichment in music, drama and art broaden the cultural awareness of our students and community.

25) Participants will learn to infuse these elements with cultural awareness and adherence to professional and humanistic ethics.

26) The ultimate goal was to reinforce elements of vocabulary and grammar while promoting cultural awareness and team-building elements .

27) The museum aims to foster cultural awareness for Salvadorans through exhibitions, research, publications and educational programs.

How to use awareness in a sentence

28) There is a rising cultural awareness of the regional languages of France, which enjoy no official status.

29) In addition to Norman's work, the new spiritual room itself will also help provide cultural awareness.

30) The conference offers ethnic meals, cultural awareness field trips, on-campus cultural experiences, and interaction with missionaries.

31) This allows the Organization of Arab Students to participate and show the cultural awareness of "dabke".

32) Additionally, the group will meet with media and civil society groups to participate in a cultural awareness event.

33) A scripture passage will be read in multiple languages as we pray for a greater sense of cultural awareness.

34) The group also supports activities that seek to raise cultural awareness and enhance the perception of South Asian Americans.

35) Well, unfortunately all these efforts can be overshadowed by simple blunders arising from a lack of cultural awareness.

36) It develops a range of multidisciplinary skills which combines academic knowledge with cultural awareness, aesthetic sensitivity and technical skill.

37) Emphasis on whanau and iwi support is encouraged with a view to fostering cultural awareness and reducing Māori re-offending.

38) Staff and faculty members on the Student Equity Committee have worked extensively to bring cultural awareness to the District.

39) She is a writer, speaker and trainer specializing in cultural awareness, professional and personal development, and leadership.

40) The Soviet masses were in the process of acceding to a cultural awareness that had been denied to his father.

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