
cultural association in a sentence

1) The cultural associations had to stop promoting foreign cultures.

2) It was the center of many cultural associations.

association collocations
3) Notes on the special literary and cultural associations of certain words.

4) cultural associations are hard to suppress and continue to influence centuries later.

cultural association example sentences

5) They participate in athletic and cultural associations and after-school activities.

6) Presented in collaboration with the Oxford Bengali cultural Association.

7) The Croatian cultural association of Burgenland was established in 1934.

8) The Matica concept of volunteer cultural associations became popular in other Slavic countries.

9) Newroz celebrations are usually organised by Kurdish cultural associations and pro-Kurdish political parties.

10) The Moroccan American Civic and cultural association is located in Malden.

11) There are numerous student and cultural associations formed by Pakistani pupils studying at British universities.

12) In late 1917, he returned to Kiev to establish an Azerbaijani cultural association.

13) Laurie was also a founder member of Progressive cultural association formed (1976).

14) Settlers expressed their views in their political and cultural associations, and commercial trade groups.

example sentences with association

15) There are many clubs and cultural associations for Pacentrani and their descendants around the world.

16) The color pink and women is likely more of a cultural association than a strong preference.

17) It's the cultural associations – immediately recognisable to most English readers – that matter most.

18) When a loanword loses foreign cultural associations it has passed into general use in the language.

19) The celebrations include a parade, involving educational, dance groups and cultural associations local and guests.

20) Some local governments "de facto" subsidize prayer rooms as part of greater "cultural associations".

21) Diasporas place great importance on their homelands because of their long history and deep cultural association.

22) Imagine a naive viewer who doesn't have all the cultural associations that the ads reference.

23) This unusual style was chosen for its cultural association with the Christian Churches of the East.

24) However, this cultural association could mean that pink is not the ideal color for targeting men.

25) In France, the Aromanians are grouped in the "Trâ Armânami" cultural association.

26) The Herts u0026 Essex Muslim cultural association will negotiate to take on The Wreck.

27) During 1942, the American-Russian cultural association (ARCA) was created in New York.

How to use association in a sentence

28) Passion for music and arts is the only thread that binds the people of Vindhya cultural Association.

29) Others are run by cultural associations like Hamazkayin and Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU).

30) A Taiwanese cultural association founded in 1921 in Taipei by Lin Hsien-tang was moved to Taichū in 1927.

31) First cultural associations appeared in the town as well as the libraries, reading rooms and a printing house.

32) The book was published by edited by the Music Production of RTOP and the cultural association of Kosovo.

33) It is a joint project of the European cultural association and the civil society initiative A Soul for Europe.

34) In 1929, the Revolutionary Labor cultural association (Asociación Revolucionaria de Cultura Obrera) was founded.

35) He received the Wordsworth McAndrew Award 2004 from the Guyana cultural Association, New York, in 2003.

36) This puja is hosted by Bengali cultural association and School,Kalibadi, Birla Nagar, Gwalior.

37) What about the foreign listener unacquainted with the language and the cultural association with his theme and the social code?

38) Another huge success in Prizren, thistime with the cultural association was his work as a choir director and Kapellmeister.

39) Vindhya cultural association does not cater to any particular community such as Tamil, Telugu, Kannada or Hindi audience.

40) During his secondary studies he was president of the Lasallian Student cultural association ("ACEL" in Spanish).

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