
court astrologer in a sentence

1) He was the apprentice astrologer to the court astrologer, Tak Saleed.

2) Tak-Saleed: Afsan's mentor and the former court astrologer under Empress Len-Lends.

astrologer collocations
3) It was predicted to be a auspicious birth of a great leader by the court astrologer.

4) This scheme is ascribed by Diogenes Laertius to an ancient scholar and court astrologer to Tiberius named Thrasyllus.

court astrologer example sentences

5) Biruni was made court astrologer and accompanied Mahmud on his invasions into India, living there for a few years.

6) In 1612, aged 20, Prince Khurram married Arjumand Banu Begum on an auspicious date chosen by court astrologers.

7) Suetonius (XL) relates how court astrologers had predicted Nero's fall but that he would have power in the east.

8) He was educated in Cambridge and served as court astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I - even predicting her coronation would be in 1558.

9) In the second book, Afsan is made Dybo's court astrologer, and is given a "Seeing Eye" Goanna named "Gork" by his aide, former palace butcher Pal-Cadool.

10) The story is about a king of Nakhon Chai Si, Phaya Gong, had a baby boy, Phan, but the court astrologer predicted that Phan will commit fratricide in the future.

11) The Duke's death had been foretold by Hieronymous, the court astrologer, but Giuliano, a man of science, does not believe in such superstition.

12) During the Renaissance, a form of "scientific astrology" evolved in which court astrologers would compliment their use of horoscopes with genuine discoveries about the nature of the universe.

13) Every detail of the birth of the royal child was recorded, including the time of birth, which was to be used later by court astrologers to cast his or her horoscope.

14) After his birth, his father was told by a court astrologer not to look at his newborn son because it would bring him bad luck, so Gyanendra was sent to live with his grandmother.

example sentences with astrologer

15) He was then allowed to work as a court astrologer, and was permitted to return to Nishapur, where he was renowned for his works, and continued to teach mathematics, astronomy and even medicine.

16) Though not the general's court astrologer per se, Kepler provided astronomical calculations for Wallenstein's astrologers and occasionally wrote horoscopes himself.

17) Major astronomers who practised as court astrologers included Tycho Brahe in the royal court of Denmark, Johannes Kepler to the Habsburgs and Galileo Galilei to the Medici.

18) Impressed by Thabit's learning, Muhammad personally presented him to the caliph, who was in turn so impressed that he appointed Thabit court astrologer.

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