
constant anxiety in a sentence

1) They live in constant anxiety , fearing arrest or injury.

anxiety collocations
2) I love her to death but this constant anxiety bothers me.

3) Unfortunately, most of us maintain a life in constant anxiety .

constant anxiety example sentences

4) You must remember his constant anxiety about that unfortunate young man his brother.

5) People with generalized anxiety disorder experience constant anxiety about routine events in their lives.

6) It was their constant anxiety .

7) That creates a danger and constant anxieties , especially for the children and senior citizens.

8) Over New Year I had been able to escape a constant anxiety that time was running out.

9) Such a person loses credibility very quickly and lives in constant anxiety and fear of his deception being exposed.

10) We know people in our neighborhoods who live in constant anxiety , in midst of very real gun violence.

11) Edit: It's also amazing for relieving that tenseness all the constant anxiety causes your body to have.

12) It was good to feel something besides the constant anxiety of waking to a world they would never recognize again.

13) Almost everyone with a child on the spectrum is living with constant anxiety , and navigating from one crisis to another.

14) Any problems with parenting are routinely exacerbated by poverty, inadequate housing, harassment, and constant anxiety about losing the child.

15) She lives a life of constant anxiety ; over money, job security, and also of being caught by the authorities.

example sentences with constant anxiety

16) C-n found the president very much fatigued, having passed fourteen days and nights under arms, and in constant anxiety , General Orbegoso was with him.

17) I spun a long, heart-rending tale of constant anxiety , ventured that I wanted to try Zoloft, and without batting an eye he wrote me out a prescription.

18) They always want to know whether they are in communication or not and they always feel constant anxiety about not keeping in contact with the outer world.

19) They have been forced to live in a state of constant anxiety for his sake, and as soon as they were having any enjoyment, he always came and spoiled their fun.

20) Many of us have been through the crippling fears and constant anxiety that social phobia produces-and have come out healthier on the other side.

21) Two years after her shift into a "sense of unity", Segal relapsed into the uncomfortable state of constant anxiety she had first experienced.

22) While the ship was moored without difficulty, blizzard conditions followed by heavy rain kept the crew in a state of constant anxiety and caused minor structural damage.

23) The price of 'success' may involve constant anxiety about potential weight-gain, may lead to serious damage to our health, even to death.

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