
conspicuous absence in a sentence

1) Additionally, there was a conspicuous absence of police protection.

2) What we do notice is their conspicuous absence from Ad World.

3) Austen gives five explanations for cluelessness, the conspicuous absence of strategic thinking.

conspicuous absence example sentences

4) However, there is a conspicuous absence of Brazilian-born slaves who participated in the rebellion.

5) Tony's friend "Big Pussy" returns to New Jersey after a conspicuous absence .

6) And finally, these statements are characterised by a conspicuous absence of facts to bolster such assertions.

7) This is not an 'argument from silence', but rather from ' conspicuous absence '.

8) There's a conspicuous absence of instruction, and it feels strangely like you've done something bad.

9) The conspicuous absence of the woman's life in the equation makes the "pro-life" label ring hollow.

10) There was a conspicuous absence of these attacks , during the Pakistani election season from April to May of this year .

11) This lack of direction is reflected in growing demands that something be done, yet with a conspicuous absence of anything substantive.

12) In Austen novels, as Page notes, there is a " conspicuous absence of words referring to physical perception, the world of shape and colour and sensuous response".

13) Herbert Blumer says "there is a conspicuous absence of rules, guides, limitations and prohibitions to govern the choice of variables.

14) The primary evidence for this theory is the conspicuous absence of three prominent national crime bosses: "Lucky" Luciano, Frank Costello, and Meyer Lansky.

15) The icon of Jagannath is a carved and decorated wooden stump with large round eyes and with stumps as hands, with the conspicuous absence of legs.

use conspicuous absence in a sentence

16) Both laws involve finding significance in the appearance of the number, and in its "presenesoterically because of its conspicuous exoteric absence .

17) There are none , the only explanation for their very conspicuous absence from this movie is that their people were extirpated from their homelands by invading Kaiju.

18) The former McMain star has missed time with creaky knees this season , but Tuesday's conspicuous absence was not because of soreness of an injury.

19) Due to the conspicuous absence of any meaningful safety studies, however, the public health consequences from widespread fluoride gel use remain a disturbing mystery.

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