
consider authentic in a sentence

1) Only legislation published in editions of official journals is considered authentic.

2) Messages without recent time indicators are not considered authentic.

authentic collocations
3) This book is not considered authentic by most Latter Day Saints.

4) Thus Inuit art can only be considered authentic if created by an Inuit.

consider authentic example sentences

5) Host keys (or more precisely, ACL:s) that lsh considers authentic.

6) This process of creating art that will be considered authentic by western buyers continues to this day.

7) Consequently, there are many thousands of documents that are considered authentic in traditional history, but not in New Chronology.

8) However, they learned how to manufacture works from local materials that would be considered authentic for sale to the westerners.

9) An Armenian language text shall be prepared which shall be considered equally authentic upon an exchange of diplomatic notes confirming its conformity with the English language text.

10) Of the thirteen letters that bear Paul's name, seven are considered authentic by almost all scholars, and the others are generally considered pseudepigraphic.

11) Many traditions are thought to be "owned" by an ethnic group, and work in that genre is only considered authentic if it is created by a member of that group.

12) Authenticity in art has a variety of meanings related to different ways in which a work of art or an artistic performance may be considered authentic.

13) Of the extant letters of Ignatius of Antioch considered authentic, five of seven are to Anatolian cities, the sixth is to Polycarp.

14) Photographic evidence enabled its reconstruction, but the new tower was only a copy of the original, and the details are not considered authentic.

example sentences with authentic

15) The second mistake was to consider as authentic a police record that cannot be verified, or disproven, with the information currently available".

16) His engraved portrait is prefixed to his works (the original is not extant); an oil-painting, formerly at Siena, cannot be considered authentic.

17) The record size for a crocodile from Papua New Guinea to be considered authentic by Guinness was a 6.32 m specimen shot in May 1966 along the northeastern coast.

18) The accounts published later are not considered authentic by some modern scholars, whereas some other scholars have been unwilling to dismiss them.

19) More liberal trends include rejecting Hadiths completely (like Qur'an Alone Muslims) or partially (including hadiths considered authentic (Sahih) by traditionalists) like Gamal Al-Banna.

20) Though considered authentic by some Slavic neopagans, the Book of Veles appears to be a forgery from the first half of the twentieth century.

21) When it comes to basic tenets, these reports are not considered authentic enough to establish a belief central to the Islamic faith.

22) She shuddered - for if there were she really must find them out and write of them, or her articles could not be considered authentic.

23) " We are really into criticising this idea that there are some sounds that people would consider more authentic than others.

24) A machine is considered authentic if it follows the protocol and has an acl-entry for its public hostkey listed in ~/.lsh/host-acls .

25) In order for the revised translations to be considered authentic, they need the [official] recognition ( recognitio ) of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.

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