
consciously avoid in a sentence

1) Despite this many-tiered structure, bureaucracy was consciously avoided.

2) His vocal melodies are diatonic, and consciously avoid blues inflections.

avoid collocations
3) In 1979, I consciously avoided Joe Sonnabend.

4) CRUSH SYNDROME "Craig consciously avoids me ever since he rejected me.

consciously avoid example sentences

5) He consciously avoided acknowledging the role of accompanying escort fighters as part of an offensive air strike.

6) Indeed, some centers consciously avoid becoming involved in any aspect of their client companies' people practices.

7) They'd consciously avoided discussing anything about Soldats or their pasts ever since they escaped from the Manor.

8) TWICE IN MY LIFE I have consciously avoided meeting someone, because I held them in such awe.

9) Throughout our long conversation his head is constantly in motion, eyes darting to and fro consciously avoiding my gaze.

10) James was at the forefront of a growing West Indian nationalist movement, though Constantine had until then consciously avoided politics.

11) Nader Shah consciously avoided the using the colour green, as green was associated with Shia Islam and the Safavid dynasty.

12) They would frequently split up during off days while on tour, and consciously avoided asking about the activities of the others.

13) Whilst there are individual programmes that have consciously avoided crude stereotyping, minorities are still reduced to a small number of familiar stories.

14) I never consciously avoided graphic novels, but I had enough book and television series to obsess over, and didn't think I needed to spend the money on another one.

example sentences with avoid

15) We could express ourselves in abrupt sentences while consciously avoiding "big words," but the writer of this excerpt proves that we don't have to.

16) In general these bodies consciously avoided transferring the confessional, organizational, and liturgical identity of their own denomination to the congr on the mission field.

17) Techniques of constructive criticism aim to improve the behavior or the behavioral results of a person, while consciously avoiding personal attacks and blaming.

18) In his later life, Tomu consciously avoided contact with film colleagues he worked with under Fascism, particularly directors Itô Daisuke and Tasaka Nobutaka.

19) Forum users may perceive your references to specific products as unsolicited advertising (spam) and consciously avoid your web site or services.

20) However, Krichten, who was a close friend of Boyd, offered testimony indicating that the accused had fired over the head of the civilians and had consciously avoided killing any of them.

21) He also consciously avoids situations where he will be thanked (e.g. by a murder victim's family when the culprit is apprehended) or made the center of attention.

22) He also consciously avoided making public appearances, here too on the belief that his "Negroid" appearance would not sit well with the country's deposed political elite, particularly the Amhara.

23) Recent subdivision or town layouts such as Poundbury(1993), Seaside(1984) and Kentlands(1995) consciously avoided the homogenous grid and its open vistas.

24) The city consciously avoided names that included directions (e.g., north 北, center 中央) when it chose names for the new wards.

25) Eidelman's previous project had been creating a compilation of music from the past five "Star Trek" films, and he consciously avoided taking inspiration from those scores.

26) And while Ami didn't consciously avoid crowds, and loved being with her friends, she was at heart a shy girl who needed, at times, to simply get away from everyone for a while and be by herself.

27) But notice that the roles of the protagonist and narrator have gotten mixed together, and the game is quite consciously avoiding either first-person or second-person prose: they're both "Grunk".

28) so thanks for addressing an argument i consciously avoided.

29) This would no doubt have prolonged the conflict and provided a lifeline to the terrorists, and we consciously avoided that.

30) " The founders of Grove City College, consciously avoiding narrow sectarianism, held a vision of Christian society transcending denomination, creeds, and confessions.

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