
confirm absence in a sentence

1) Please telephone the office during the morning to confirm the absence .

2) The brains were quickly removed and inspected to confirm the absence of subarachnoid hemorrhage.

3) The strike confirmed the absence of strong enemy forces within ten miles of the I Corps front.

confirm absence example sentences

4) An increasing number of publications confirm the absence of adverse effects, even in low birth weight newborns.

5) Southern blot analyses confirmed the absence of the plasmid backbone DNA in DAS-81419-2 soybean.

6) Amend as required, and update the Audit sheet with an entry to confirm the absence of file links.

7) No historic information was found to confirm the absence or presence of West Nile virus in mosquito populations on Station.

8) Having confirmed the absence of 3-D calculations, put a line on the Audit sheet to record the result.

9) In addition, low TOC can confirm the absence of potentially harmful organic chemicals in water used to manufacture pharmaceutical products.

10) No anomalous migration is seen for the unbound fragments confirming the absence of intrinsic curvature or bends in the GMSA probes used.

11) Therefore an absence of polyps in, for example, the rectum, may not of itself be sufficient to confirm absence of polyps.

12) Fossil evidence confirms the absence of "C. megalodon" in regions around the world where water temperatures had significantly declined during the Pliocene.

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