
compute average in a sentence

1) The policies described below involve computing averages of various quantities.

2) In these cases it may be necessary to compute averages using one very long trajectory or many different trajectories.

average collocations
3) Even though you include all unsold shares of identical stock in an account to compute average basis, you may have both short-term and long-term gains or losses when you sell these shares.

4) Provide several examples so that students can practice computing average velocity, including at least one where distance 2 is smaller than distance 1 (so that velocity is negative).

compute average example sentences

5) The numerical value of such grades is as follows: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0, I=0, while grades P, R, and W are not used by the Department in computing averages.

6) 'Measure' is the computed average measurement of the subject in square millimetres.

7) If we did not add the count of the records, the computed average would be wrong, for example:

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