
company auditor in a sentence

1) At company AGMs auditors are appointed often without any discussion .

2) Explain the system of reviewing the quality of audits done by registered company auditors.

auditor collocations
3) company auditors are good example .

4) In the case of a company, external auditors are appointed by the members (shareholders).

company auditor example sentences

5) It is important to bring the company's auditors into the Lean Accounting process at the earliest stages.

6) Don't rely on the company auditor: get yourself audited before he (or she) audits you.

7) He had also an interest in a company, Heathrow Fabrications Ltd., and was the company's auditor.

8) A resolution to re-appoint Coopers u0026 Lybrand as the Company's auditors will be proposed at the annual general meeting.

9) Such net income shall be as determined by the firm of public accountants then serving as the Company's independent auditors.

10) Dutch law requires that the company's external auditors be appointed at the general meeting and not by the audit committee.

11) This flow of warranties in and out must be audited and reconciled on an annual basis by the company's auditors.

12) Disclosure is not required for non-audit services supplied to subsidiaries not audited by the parent company's auditor and to overseas subsidiaries.

13) The independent accountant can be the company's auditor or a person qualified to be appointed as an examiner of the company.

14) The advantage is that the data can be shared quickly and easily with the company's auditors, which has also reduced audit costs.

example sentences with auditor

15) A shareholder (s) to test and verify the accuracy of financial reporting has the right to involve the company's auditor or other independent auditor.

16) As head of internal audit for the telecom giant, Cooper had asked the company's external auditor, Arthur Andersen about a questionable accounting maneuver.

17) However, these cases will be rare, and probably the only exception encountered with any frequency will be the appointment of a company's auditors to value its shares.

18) If the expert's identity is not predetermined by, for instance, being the company's auditors, the expert clause should say that the expert is to be appointed by agreement of the parties.

19) Under the provisions of a service agreement, an employee's salary, or a bonus, may be determined by the certificate of the company's auditors.

20) The second reason is that a company's auditors are expected, because of their statutory duties and position under the companies Acts, to be independent of the shareholders in the company.

21) We don't think you can directly guard against fraud; that is a job for a company's auditor and the audit committee of the board of directors.

22) The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 made it much more difficult for a plaintiff to bring suit successfully against a company's auditors.

23) The reporting accountant, which will issue an opinion on the specially prepared historical financial information for inclusion in the admission document, does not have to be the company's auditor.

24) C. auditors . Provide the names and addresses of the company's auditors for the preceding three years (together with their membership in a professional body).

25) The changes we have made recognize that, for some small companies, the company's auditor may be the only reasonably available service provider for certain services.

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