
commercially attractive in a sentence

1) The comb was built in the glass jars which made it commercially attractive.

2) It is the speed and the extra space that make the Squirrel commercially attractive.

attractive collocations
3) When these techniques work, heavy oil is like the more commercially attractive lighter grades of oil.

4) But ultimately the final position has to be robust, sensible and commercially attractive from top to bottom.

commercially attractive example sentences

5) It is not always commercially attractive to repurpose devices or drugs even though important medical benefits could be gained.

6) According to the club, the St James' Park title was dropped as not being " commercially attractive".

7) Bryza stressed that at the end, Shah Deniz consortium will pick the pipeline that will be more commercially attractive.

8) While the Series 200 was more commercially attractive, with no more Series 100 being ordered, sales were still slow.

9) These are viable, often commercially attractive projects that not only create revenue but pay back in a relatively short time.

10) While some educators shared measured, quality advice to teachers, some popular press writers promoted commercially attractive but neuroscientifically inaccurate claims.

11) Sometimes those two teams can be in conflict, as when playing commercially attractive home games leaves no time to acclimatise overseas.

12) Capital appreciation on many of these buildings, often on commercially attractive sites, went to the GPs, not the NHS.

13) Likewise, fTTP in some circumstances may be seen by other tiers of government, infrastructure operators or private investors as economically attractive or commercially attractive.

14) As ground source heat pumps are a much more commercially attractive solution than other forms of renewable energy, they have a significantly shorter payback period than the building as a whole.

example sentences with attractive

15) Due to the inefficient production process, the current price of bacterial cellulose remains too high to make it commercially attractive and viable on a large scale.

16) The song order was scrambled out of the fixed chronology, possibly because of the label executives' intervention to have a more commercially attractive product.

17) Whereas music like heavy metal or punk rock appeals primarily to a more youthful generation, and is not considered as commercially attractive to tourism.

18) However, of the five major species of canned tuna imported by the United States it is the least commercially attractive, primarily due to its dark color and more pronounced 'fishy' flavor.

19) In addition, commercially attractive expansion platforms should be easy to manufacture, scale-up, easy to sterilize, and storable at room temperature for extended periods.

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