
chromosome aberration in a sentence

1) It causes chromosome aberrations in human and hamster cells.

2) Some of the genes and chromosome aberrations affect behaviour in selective ways.

3) See also chromosome aberration ; Mutation .

chromosome aberration example sentences

4) Mycoplasmas may induce cellular changes, including chromosome aberrations , changes in metabolism and cell growth.

5) Elevated levels of chromosome aberrations in blood of local people supports hypothesis that radiation is a cause of the leukaemias.

6) However, in vitro, it has been demonstrated that imatinib induces centrosome and chromosome aberrations in normal human dermal fibroblasts.

7) The most common secondarily acquired chromosome aberrations were structural abnormalities of the long arm of chromosome 6 involving the region of 6q21-q24 (six patients).

8) Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 11 (11q) are one of the most frequent structural chromosome aberrations in various types of lymphoproliferative disorders.

9) Because of the limited resolution of metaphase chromosomes , aberrations smaller than 5–10 Mb cannot be detected using conventional CGH.

10) Using the interphase cytogenetic FISH approach with a disease specific set of probes, chromosome aberrations can be found in more than 80% of CLL cases.

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