
child abduction in a sentence

1) In some countries, international child abduction is a felony.

2) Parental child abduction is not considered a crime in Japan.

3) There are implications of child abduction or pedophilia.

child abduction example sentences

4) Imran Amjad also denies three charges of child abduction .

5) Investigations have begun into wide-scale child abduction during the Franco years.

6) A MAN appeared in court yesterday on charges of child abduction and indecent assault.

7) The problem of international child abduction in Mexico has been raised in several congressional inquiries.

8) There are far too many (even one is too much) child abductions already.

9) Why would they not issue a child abduction , aka "amber", alert?

10) The response to these concerns was the coining of the term "international child abduction .

11) No one has revealed the full scope of the child abductions in El Salvador .

12) The reports form the basis for statistics on the United States and international child abduction .

13) The Toyman continues to commit various crimes in Metropolis, including engaging in child abduction .

14) Amnesty International reported that without child abductions , the LRA would have few combatants.

15) In "Rage" Kellerman presents Delaware with a case of child abduction and murder.

use child abduction in a sentence

16) The novella tells the story of an international marriage, culture shock, and child abduction .

17) None of these names achieved the modern day broad acceptance of terms like international child abduction .

18) From the Shadows is a documentary film about child abduction by parents and relatives in Japan.

19) And his lawyers are pointing to a multi-national agreement on child abduction called the Hague Convention.

20) Barring exceptional circumstances, the effects of child abduction are generally detrimental to the welfare of children.

21) The media is full of stories that terrify us – air crashes, child abductions and knife crime.

22) Increasingly, international frameworks are being developed to help address issues of child abduction , child support and adoption.

23) This is largely due to the fact that international parental child abduction is merely a civil offense in Poland.

24) Adding international dimensions to the detrimental effects of child abduction significantly increases the detrimental effects on children and families.

25) After seeing news stories about child abductions , people may judge that the likelihood of this event is greater.

26) In fact in Europe and the US child abduction happens less these days than 20 or 40 years ago .

27) This meant that she could have used the Convention's rulings on child abduction to get Eva back.

28) Inspired by several prominent kidnap-murder cases, Man intended the implant for use as a safeguard against child abduction .

How to use child abduction in a sentence

29) Through twenty years of war, the Acholi people of Northern Uganda endured rape, torture and child abduction .

30) The juxtaposition with child abuse, child abduction , dodgy adults and a simmering family crisis, is particularly striking.

31) Why do we never hear about the international child abductions that are carried out by Japanese nationals? (cf.

32) India is not a signatory of the Hague abduction Convention and India does not consider international child abduction a crime.

33) One TFI member, Peter Bevan Riddell, is known to have been convicted of crimes relating to child abduction .

34) child abduction to Mexico from the US is as much an American policy problem as it is a Mexican one.

35) The ICMEC programs and initiatives are uniting the world and providing international solutions to the problems of child abduction and exploitation.

36) The disappearance attracted headlines in New Zealand and Ireland, particularly as child abduction is an unusual occurrence in New Zealand.

37) The act also addresses the special problems involved with international child abduction by including several risk factors specifically related to international abduction.

38) However her hopes where dashed when she was told that without evidence of abuse, she could face charges of child abduction .

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