
challenge authority in a sentence

1) We need more reporters willing to challenge authority .

2) Senior staff's authority was rarely challenged during these discussions.

authority collocations
3) Washington's position and authority were not seriously challenged again.

4) This view challenges the authority of the designers decision making.

challenge authority example sentences

5) Challenging authority by a younger generation is nothing new.

6) Libs just LOVE those guys who challenge authority .

7) They don't challenge the authority of their owner.

8) Ruth did not challenge Huggins' authority again.

9) In some places Protestants challenged royal authority with riots and armed rebellions.

10) They have sponsored surrogate forces to challenge lawful authority in my country.

11) However after 1945 anti-colonial movements began to challenge European authority.

12) Christina suspected that Michael had challenged Stephen's authority once too often.

13) Never again would the Toyotomi family rise to challenge Tokugawa authority.

14) Legally attacking citizens for challenging authority ought to carry a steep political price .

example sentences with authority

15) I think they think guys who are intelligent will challenge authority too much.

16) The czar discouraged them when he realized they were challenging the local authorities.

17) Neither party challenged Lagergren's authority to decide the merits of the dispute.

18) They share one common characteristic: they have little power to challenge the authorities.

19) Challenging the authorities, the peasants burned their identification cards and attacked Portuguese traders.

20) Are Singaporeans too meek to challenge the authorities and fight for their ownership right ?

21) Colleges and universities, as institutions, used to challenge authority with facts and reason.

22) The Sons of Liberty were active in New York City to challenge British authority.

23) France unsuccessfully challenged the Commission's authority to increase the charges before the European Court.

24) They ruled a country with the name Lanka and challenged the authority of the gods.

25) He would invite his audiences to challenge authority and the existential nature of "accepted truth.

26) As older systems of authority are challenged, villagers are less reluctant to take disputes to court.

27) On a recording provided by Juvenile Court, Brown is heard challenging the magistrate's authority.

How to use authority in a sentence

28) He is only interested in using the Torah as a pretext for challenging Moshe's authority.

29) At no point, however, did he openly challenge the authority of the Great Khan.

30) This challenged the authority of the revolutionary power structures that were becoming increasingly dominated by Jacobin radicals.

31) So I started challenging authority at school, really, and just kind of never stopped".

32) Addressing the general impunity of the army and police appeared to challenge the ruling military's authority.

33) Ridge initially supported Thorne's presidency, but soon challenged Thorne's authority and insulted Darla.

34) The Euro-Communists in the party apparatus were starting to challenge the authority of the trade union organisers.

35) He challenged the divine authority of the emperor himself, ultimately paying for it with his life.

36) From the very beginning of filming on location in Bracketville, Widmark challenged Wayne's authority.

37) Chrissy is more resistant, and challenges Laura's authority, refusing to continue at one point.

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