
cease abruptly in a sentence

1) The quick deft hands abruptly ceased their knitting.

2) Lord's connection with his ground ceased rather abruptly in 1825.

3) The jocular mood of the gunmen abruptly ceased .

cease abruptly example sentences

4) These pleasures ceased abruptly with the start of the war.

5) Tombalbaye's reform efforts ceased abruptly in August 1971.

6) The rain ceased abruptly , as if it had been turned off.

7) The whistling came again, clear and simple, then abruptly ceased .

8) The French cannons abruptly ceased fire.

9) At this point, symptoms usually cease abruptly , or else diminish remarkably.

10) After making those first few speeches, however, the offers abruptly ceased .

11) All conversation ceased abruptly and for some minutes not a word was spoken.

12) The strident, static-like hiss ceased abruptly .

13) It seems so callous and unnatural for such close relationships to cease so abruptly .

14) This demand was filled by August 1865, and recruiting Americans from Lowell ceased abruptly .

15) Yeremi's stream of plasma ceased abruptly as his hand cramped within that fervid womb.

use cease abruptly in a sentence

16) This substance was Israel's staple food for 40 years, ceasing abruptly when they entered Canaan.

17) There was a noise like a singing saw and the pressure on Rincewind's legs abruptly ceased .

18) The celebrations cease abruptly with the entry of Scarpia, his henchman Spoletta and several police agents.

19) Her tears ceased abruptly .

20) Five days later, force eight storms hit the ship; transmissions ceased abruptly at 02:51.

21) On January 21, 2004 (sol ), "Spirit" abruptly ceased communicating with mission control.

22) Her tears ceased abruptly .

23) After landing, the two men follow the life reading, which ceases as abruptly as it appeared.

24) On 19 March 2001, Tillingbourne abruptly ceased operations and was placed in the hands of receivers Begbies Traynor.

25) The station opened in 1845 and closed in October 1992 when all passenger traffic on Jamaica's railways abruptly ceased .

26) However, in 1979 the meetings ceased abruptly when the Big Brother was detained on suspicion of molesting young boys.

27) When the power plant construction abruptly ceased , George prepared for and passed the fitness test to become a Hanford Firefighter.

28) Then gasped, and started to laugh as though Father Devlin had made a joke, but ceased abruptly at the stern look on Father Devlin's face.

How to use cease abruptly in a sentence

29) Ninety rounds were lobbed into the field he had indicated, and except for several German medics seen scurrying about, all activity in that location ceased abruptly .

30) A man must look out for his own interests in these hard times." Both saw Anne at this moment and conversation abruptly ceased .

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