
cause abscess in a sentence

1) This is a protozoal infection causing brain abscesses .

2) Eventually, the bacteria ends up in the liver, causing liver abscesses .

3) Severe picking can cause epidural abscesses .

cause abscess example sentences

4) A amoebic liver abscess is a type of liver abscess caused by amebiasis.

5) This infection may also travel to the regional lymph nodes causing a localized abscess there.

6) This then causes life-threatening amebic abscesses , which lead to pain and high fever without diarrhea symptoms.

7) Left untreated, the decay may reach the living pulp tissues inside the tooth, causing an abscess .

8) Skin abscesses caused by MRSA can often appear larger and more severe that the typical methicillin-sensitive abscess.

9) These often cause subdural empyema, and brain abscess, and rarely cause epidural abscess and meningitis.

10) Due to improper tooth development, TDO patients suffer from high rates of dental caries causing dental abscess .

11) Dead worms may cause chronic abscesses , which may lead to the formation of granulomatous reactions and fibrosis.

12) Mastoid and ear or infections generally progress to the temporal lobe or cerebellum, while facial sinusitis commonly causes frontal lobe abscess .

13) Subdural abscess is caused by the breakthrough of pus through the dura mater, or the spread of infection through the vessels.

14) German scientists reported one woman endured a series of nasty abscesses caused by MRSA, until a veterinarian screened and treated the family cat for the same infection.

15) Among the men in the study, MRSA was spread by skin contact, causing abscesses and infection in the buttocks and genitalia.

use cause abscess in a sentence

16) These abscesses are probably caused by such conditions as sharp-cornered perches, bare floors, wire floors, puncture wounds and so forth.

17) This is known as secondary occlusal trauma . Sometimes bacteria that infect the pockets around teeth will find their way into or under the tooth, causing an abscess .

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