
cause abandonment in a sentence

1) There are no documented revolutions that caused wholesale abandonment of entire regions.

2) It caused the abandonment of several villages at Keoneoio.

3) The theory suggests that abandonment causes crime, rather than crime causing abandonment .

cause abandonment example sentences

4) Rain caused the abandonment of the third Test without a ball bowled.

5) These revolutions caused the abandonment of agricultural land and the regrowth of forests .

6) This caused the abandonment of the west side of the Toledo Terminal Railroad.

7) Floods in 1936 and a hurricane in 1938 caused the abandonment of several branches.

8) There is no evidence of warfare, or famine to cause the abandonment of Oxkintok.

9) Major eruptions from 300–500 AD caused abandonment of the southern areas until about 1100 AD.

10) Close approach by humans to ferruginous hawk nests will flush them and can eventually cause nest abandonment .

11) The wet weather has already caused the abandonment of several fixtures, including today's card at Ludlow.

12) Before the enterprise could get underway, Woodruff's sudden death caused the abandonment of the scheme.

13) The attack, known as the "New River Massacre", caused immediate abandonment of the area by whites.

14) The ashes of a supervolcano eruption around 800 AD set the great city of Palenque on fire and caused the general abandonment of the Chiapas Highlands.

15) AJAX, disqualified from European competition for two years after their fans had caused the abandonment of a UEFA Cup tie, had the punishment halved on appeal yesterday.

16) Loss of soil productivity, which is causing extensive land abandonment , is a widespread by-product of our current practices in agriculture and animal husbandry.

17) It caused the abandonment of Blanca's people marching with the troops of the King of Granada after a foray into the Kingdom of Murcia.

18) The severity of the winter, the rebellion of the settlers, and the hostility of the Indians caused the abandonment of the settlement in the spring of 1527.

use cause abandonment in a sentence

19) The Chinese troops attempted to convince the Gurkhas that they should not be fighting for India, to cause an abandonment of the post.

20) Work on the motorways continued until the 1970s when the oil crisis and The Troubles both intervened causing the abandonment of many schemes.

21) High enough to raise sufficient revenue without causing land abandonment , and

22) 'It has caused the abandonment of high standards and is one of the prime causes of stress among teachers and conscientious pupils.'

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