
carry astronaut in a sentence

1) A larger size also allowed carrying two astronauts.

2) The Atlas rocket was designed by the USA to carry astronauts into space.

astronaut collocations
3) It also carried the first African-American astronaut, Guion Bluford.

4) SpaceX is working to make its Dragon capsule safe enough to carry astronauts possibly in three years.

carry astronaut example sentences

5) The agency depends on Russia to carry astronauts to space at about $ 63 million per seat.

6) A modified M113 Armored Personnel Carrier could carry injured astronauts away from the complex to safety.

7) The booster rocket will loft Blue Origin's biconic Space Vehicle to orbit, carrying astronauts and supplies.

8) The initial aim is to carry cargo and satellites, but they hope eventually to carry astronauts as well.

9) A Russian Soyuz rocket, carrying three astronauts, has blasted off to the International Space Station from Kazakhstan.

10) STS-5, launched November 11, was the first operational mission; carrying four astronauts, two commercial satellite were deployed.

11) Last week, SpaceX and Boeing won contracts to carry U.S. astronauts to the space station beginning in 2016 or 2017.

12) The Orion Multiple Purpose Crew Vehicle is designed to carry astronauts on missions into deep space lasting up to six months .

13) A Soyuz spacecraft carrying a US astronaut and two Russian cosmonauts launches from Kazakhstan en route to the International Space Station.

14) Seven hearses carried the astronauts remains from the Life Sciences Facility on Cape Canaveral, to a waiting MAC C-141 aircraft.

example sentences with astronaut

15) The Command Module could be modified to carry extra astronauts as passengers by adding jump seat couches in the aft equipment bay.

16) Even as a rocket designed to help carry astronauts back to the Moon awaits take-off in Florida this week, asteroids have been singled out as the favoured destination for man's return to outer space.

17) The SLS will be the largest launch vehicle ever built and will be more powerful than the Saturn V rocket that carried Apollo astronauts to the moon.

18) The company -- or companies -- that will build America's next space taxi to carry astronauts to low Earth orbit and back is to be revealed Tuesday, AFP reports.

19) The Saturn V remains the most powerful rocket ever built, and it was launched 13 times from 1967 to 1973, carrying 27 Apollo astronauts into space.

20) The main function of the sperm is to carry the 18,000 male genes to the female's egg, just as the Apollo capsule carries the astronauts on their mission.

21) The Command Module (CM) was the conical crew cabin, designed to carry three astronauts from launch to lunar orbit and back to an Earth ocean landing.

22) NASA hopes to have one or more commercially developed spacecraft capable of carrying NASA astronauts to and from the station by around 2017.

23) The crew module will have 316 cuft and capabilities of carrying four astronauts for 21 day flights itself which could be expanded through additional service modules.

24) Six successful missions carried twelve astronauts, the first being Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on July 20, 1969, to the moon surface and safely back home to earth.

25) The Space Shuttle is to be replaced in 2014 by a new spacecraft, the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, to carry astronauts to the International Space Station.

26) The test-flight phase is expected to culminate with a crewed mission at the end of 2015, carrying two Boeing test-pilot astronauts into LEO and returning them safely.

27) The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is working towards a maiden manned Indian space mission vehicle that can carry three astronauts for seven days in a near earth orbit.

28) January 31 – Ham the Chimp, a 37-pound (17-kg) male, is rocketed into space aboard Mercury-Redstone 2, in a test of the Project Mercury capsule, designed to carry United States astronauts into space.

29) The orbiter carried astronauts and payloads such as satellites or space station parts into low Earth orbit, the Earth's upper atmosphere or thermosphere.

30) Unloaded it weighed 460 lb (209 kg) and when carrying two astronauts and their equipment, 1500 lb (700 kg).

31) It was also the first American space flight to carry astronauts into low Earth orbit after a cabin fire killed the Apollo 1 crew in 1967.

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