
burst asunder in a sentence

1) Beside him stood a man whose boots had burst asunder at the toes.

2) Either Judas hanged himself or he fell headlong and burst asunder, not both.

3) Thus integument is burst asunder.

4) They had to be burst asunder; they were burst asunder" ( Communist Manifesto ).

burst asunder example sentences

5) They had to be burst asunder; they were burst asunder" ( Communist Manifesto ).

6) The knowledge that the Mother of my fathers, from her base in little Jamaica, burst asunder the prison bars of black bondage means more to me than life itself.

7) And at their voice all the mountains and hills were shaken, and the rocks were burst asunder; and great chasms were made in the earth, so that also what was in the abyss appeared.

8) In the surrounding mountains, rocks burst asunder with loud crashing, and many of them came tumbling down the heights to the plains below.

9) In their constitutions, legislative details, and international regulations, they refer not to the will of God; they burst asunder the cords of moral obligation.

10) Secularism and Sunni Islamism is increasingly embraced in a struggle to the death in a part of the world in which sectarian fault lines have burst asunder in the wake of the Arab Spring.

11) In one case they filled their victim's mouth with gunpowder and set fire to it, when his throat was burst asunder.

12) [Acts 1:18] Judas fell headlong, and burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out.

13) "As if stricken by some blasting spell it burst asunder: there was a flash of searing lightning, and the doors tumbled in riven fragments to the ground.

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