
build avenue in a sentence

1) The 8 story building was moved westward to build an avenue.

2) In the 1930s, new buildings and avenues were built .

avenue collocations
3) Madison avenue was built on the duo of art directors and and copywriters.

4) Dictator Benito Mussolini built the avenue in the 1920 s as a tribute to fascism's imperial aspirations.

build avenue example sentences

5) Friend makes about 10 million a day and yet I 'm still struggling with 4,000 residents and only just building avenues.

6) Participate in the monthly Veterans in Business Forum meetings at UNO, building potential avenues of employment for our veteran students.

7) The Chinese used to build avenues lined with massive sculptures of real and mythical creatures, along which the spirit of a dead emperor would journey to its resting place.

8) Belgrave Lodge, on the south side of the avenue was built in 1899 to a design by John Douglas for the 1st Duke.

9) Upon coming to power, Napoleon III built great avenues, referred to as anti-riot streets, into the troublesome quarters of Paris.

10) The city's main avenues were built during those years, and the dawn of the 20th century saw the construction of South America's then-tallest buildings and the first underground system.

11) The Tehran Bazaar was divided in half and many historic buildings were demolished in order to build wide straight avenues in the capital.

12) Dëshmorët e Kombit Boulevard, a panoramic avenue built by the Italians

13) if you have to tear down a street to build an avenue, you lose the buildings on both sides.

14) (The road from Sutton to Belmont is still a tree lined avenue not completely built up, in 1982.)

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