
budget amendment in a sentence

1) A balanced budget amendment with a tax limitation provision.

amendment collocations
2) He has also voted against the balanced budget amendment .

3) Pass a balanced budget amendment or law .

budget amendment example sentences

4) It is important Congress pass a balanced budget amendment .

5) Sense of Congress regarding a balanced budget amendment .

6) Portman is a leading advocate for a balanced budget amendment .

7) In 2011, he sponsored a federal balanced budget amendment .

8) Yet a balanced budget amendment would not be without obstacles.

9) Cuts would go even deeper under a balanced budget amendment .

10) State budget amendments and energy-based tax incentives !

11) No balanced budget amendment no deal .

12) He supports initiatives to balance the federal budget, including a balanced budget amendment .

13) He said otherwise he was fine with everything else presented in the budget amendments .

14) Paul supports cutting government spending, a balanced budget amendment , and lowering taxes.

15) Shiller added a budget amendment to triple the city's AIDS budget in 1992.

example sentences with budget amendment

16) The funding was available due to a $25,000 budget amendment made earlier in the year.

17) Simply stated, a balanced budget amendment is critical to ensure Washington gets federal spending under control.

18) Bruce Bartlett once called a balanced budget amendment the " dopiest constitutional amendment of all time.

19) After discussion last night, the group intends to require budget amendments also be made by ordinance.

20) The pledge also implores signers to endorse passage of a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

21) States began applying to Congress for an Article V Convention to propose a balanced budget amendment .

22) Once that happens, as soon as possible, we will provide a formal budget amendment on OCO.

23) The Lithuanian parliament on July 10 adopted budget amendments to increase spending on national defense by 37.6 million euros.

24) Every time a balanced budget amendment has come before congress , it is the Democrats that vote it down.

25) He campaigned against runaway spending and tax increases and said he supports a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

26) He consistently voted against raising the federal debt ceiling and authored a balanced budget amendment to the United States Constitution.

27) Bob Dole despite his flaws would have moved the country forward with a balanced budget amendment and true tax reform.

28) In 2013 the Slovenian parliament approved a balanced budget amendment to the constitution that will come into force in 2015.

How to use budget amendment in a sentence

29) I campaigned saying I would raise the debt ceiling only if substantial spending cuts or a balanced budget amendment was included.

30) Reduce government spending by 10% a year over the next 6-8 years and get a balance budget amendment .

31) One vocal proponent of a balanced budget amendment is Texas businessman H. Ross Perot, who ran unsuccessfully for president in 1992.

32) She is in favor of a balanced budget amendment , opposes Congressional earmarks, and supports a simplification of the tax code.

33) Just outside City Hall, downtown workers tote their lunches in plastic bags -- something that could go away if one budget amendment passes.

34) Of these 62 bills, only one became law and that was to urge the federal congress to propose a balanced budget amendment .

35) And to ensure our country never goes into debt again, I will fight in the U.S. Senate to pass a balanced budget amendment .

36) Another problem is that of the enforceability of a balanced budget amendment , which hinges in part on taxpayer standing, or legal entitlement to sue.

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