
brain abscess in a sentence

1) Brain abscess is a rare, life-threatening condition.

2) This is a protozoal infection causing brain abscesses .

3) The most common complication was epidural abscess, followed by meningitis and brain abscess .

brain abscess example sentences

4) The differential diagnosis between brain abscess and neoplasms (primary and secondary) is another challenge.

5) Although meningitis has been described secondary to ruptured brain abscesses , primary meningitis has not been described.

6) Brain abscess and necrotic brain tumor: discrimination with proton MR spectroscopy and diffusion-weighted imaging.

7) A brain abscess may also be caused by head trauma or as a complication of surgery.

8) These often cause subdural empyema, and brain abscess , and rarely cause epidural abscess and meningitis.

9) Cancer, endometriosis, and brain abscesses are known to trigger such severe autoimmune diseases as scleroderma and lupus.

10) There are other more serious and even life threatening complications such as meningitis, brain abscess or blood clots in the brain.

11) The origin of brain abscess is generally an adjacent chronic ear, mastoid, or sinus infection oropharynx, teeth or lungs.

12) It is also useful in the treatment of brain abscesses due to mixed organisms or when the causative organism is not known.

13) Brain abscesses have been linked to tongue piercing due to all the bacteria getting into the blood stream and settling in the brain.

14) It is important to be aware that in patients with pyogenic brain abscess that are under antibiotic therapy these peaks may be absent.

15) Sinusitis may extend to the central nervous system, where it may cause cavernous sinus thrombosis, retrograde meningitis, and epidural, subdural, and brain abscesses .

use brain abscess in a sentence

16) is increased only in horses with brain abscesses .

17) "Clostridium perfringens" can cause of brain abscesses and meningitis following intracranial surgery or head trauma.

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