
become awkward in a sentence

1) The ice contract became very awkward for the Russian colony.

2) Fortunately he scurried back before the silence became awkward.

awkward collocations
3) They leave when it becomes awkward.

4) The holiday turns out badly and the relationship deteriorates and becomes extremely awkward.

become awkward example sentences

5) Lynch seemed to enjoy Robinson's help, but things gradually became more awkward.

6) Rigidly sticking to "vous" can become equally awkward in a long-standing relationship.

7) Their situation becomes awkward when Matt walks in on the duo sharing a flirtatious moment.

8) Clearly the real notation becomes awkward very soon, exhibiting the usefulness of the complex notation.

9) She invites him to a family dinner as a friend, but it becomes awkward.

10) But will working so closely with Delia become awkward since he has ended their romantic relationship?

11) Things then become awkward between them, and she resigns from her job at the pub.

12) In many occurrences things can become awkward for both parties regarding the services being provided to one another.

13) They didn't say anything, and after a few moments the silence hardened and became awkward.

14) The cold can leave their joints extremely stiff and tender, and they may become more awkward than usual.

example sentences with awkward

15) Eating outside the home, however, can become incredibly awkward when others ask about my self-imposed diet restrictions.

16) Things became very awkward between us afterwards and, as a result, I had to quit my job.

17) Des was instantly attracted to Daphne, but he tried to hide his feelings and became awkward around her.

18) If you want to play a game, or use the phone in landscape mode it becomes quite awkward.

19) Pregnancy Info states that the missionary position may become increasingly awkward for pregnant women as their belly begins to grow.

20) Apologizing profusely for the state of a game and then pushing sales at the same time can become awkward .

21) This becomes especially awkward when he discovers the general has an attractive – and attracted – daughter who works in television.

22) So it becomes awkward, if not impossible, to make larger points with the eloquence that they may or may not deserve.

23) Then, when they heard I was a pastor, suddenly, the conversation became increasingly awkward for me and went something like this... "You're a pastor and single?

24) The situation then becomes more awkward as Joe's next lover, A (Cyron Melville), arrives at the house and finds himself in the middle of Mrs. H's mental breakdown.

25) Things became awkward during the periods when a number of provinces refused to appoint a stadtholder (Friesland always had a stadtholder during these periods).

26) According to Paul Presley, the Asteroids inspired type of "control method becomes very awkward until you get used to it (and that could take some time).

27) Alicia, now under the impression that Will doesn't have a plan, suppresses her feelings for Will, and the workplace environment becomes awkward when they are in vicinity of each other.

28) Olivia and Dan embark on a relationship, but when they have a threesome with Vanessa, the trio become awkward around each other, resulting in Vanessa and Olivia fighting over Dan.

29) Anya then reveals that Fiona is in fact, in love with Holly J. Things then become awkward between her and Fiona, and she even tries to push Fiona onto another girl while at a dance.

30) Big data is a collection of data sets that are so large and complex that they become awkward to work with using traditional database management tools.

31) While simple, flat file systems become awkward as the number of files grows and makes it difficult to organize data into related groups of files.

32) Pahaska lived with them in South Dakota's Black Hills for 17 years before leaving home because 'things were becoming too awkward' and she wanted to find her real parents.

33) His position became extremely awkward with the outbreak of the Seven Years' War between his home country and his patron's, and his reputation suffered in both Paris and Berlin.

34) Vaslav Nijinsky's choreography purposefully contradicted the basic techniques of classical ballet: by requiring dancers to "toe-in", their movements became awkward.

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