
become available in a sentence

1) Archive footage is becoming more widely available.

2) These were common before fire sirens became widely available.

available collocations
3) A similar device recently became commercially available.

4) ART is becoming more available throughout the world.

become available example sentences

5) Comprehensive databases are also becoming increasingly available.

6) Magnetic disk storage became available in 1966.

7) This beverage became available nationally in late 2007.

8) This technology became available commercially in 2011.

9) By the 1980s software simulations became available.

10) This hypothesis changed as more information became available.

11) It did not become widely available until 1972.

12) In 1978 automatic transmission and power steering became available.

13) The state was expecting more capacity to become available.

14) When does the physical copy become available?

example sentences with available

15) A few days later the stream became publicly available.

16) It took another 50 years until an improved camera became available.

17) The composite cores became available in 1946.

18) A padded safety dash became available in 1956.

19) Fuel injection engines became available in 1991.

20) These are being developed as money becomes available.

21) During this decade automobiles became more widely available.

22) In the industrial era cast iron bases became available.

23) What data have become available often vary widely.

24) A wide range of upgrades became available.

25) An improved measles vaccine became available in 1968.

26) Many utility programs became available on paper tape.

27) It was written before the original implementation became freely available.

How to use available in a sentence

28) I am glad these tests are becoming available .

29) Such packages have suddenly become more widely available.

30) Thankfully, wider lenses are becoming available.

31) Increasingly, food additive based chemicals are becoming available.

32) When personal computers became available, computer games were created.

33) As more information became available, further tweets were sent.

34) Postpone planting fall food plots until soil moisture eventually becomes available.

35) It is here that the deepest relaxation becomes available.

36) This is the final version before it becomes available.

37) You will not receive coupons until funds becomes available.

38) I was super excited when new tall boots became available.

39) This took place as fast as trained troops became available.

40) Details are updated as they become available.

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