
be awful in a sentence

1) The perspective of human earthly life is awful.

2) It was awful coming up those mountains.

awful collocations
3) This idea was too awful to contemplate.

4) The implications were too awful to contemplate.

be awful example sentences

5) This school is too awful to deserve passive acceptance.

6) His taste in pictures was pretty awful.

7) But their flash products are simply awful.

8) His behaviour earlier on was absolutely awful.

9) The offensive game plans have been awful .

10) The last two days eating has been awful.

11) The location graphics are awful, really.

12) Its side-effects are quite reliably awful though.

13) Also, every sonic game is awful.

14) Also, old 35mm lens designs are frequently awful.

example sentences with awful

15) The last meeting I attended was awful.

16) Well, whoever said conditions were awful was right.

17) Every part of the survey was awful.

18) It was too awful to be true.

19) The flight we were on was awful.

20) I am school media specialist and this book was awful.

21) My school lunches in the 60s were awful.

22) The feeling of coming to was awful.

23) Because your reading comprehension is just awful.

24) The cold in the room was awful.

25) Some of these products were truly awful.

26) He may write funny things but his acting is awful.

27) His support is soft and his job creation record is awful .

How to use awful in a sentence

28) Dad said erm that play was ever so awful!

29) My first thought was " these are awful!

30) But this series he was quite awful .

31) He was awful as a young player.

32) The weekends we had this summer were awful.

33) It was awful what they were going through.

34) The thought is awful, crushing and overwhelming.

35) The smell was gross, the taste was awful.

36) As predicted, the weather today was awful.

37) The message was fine; the messenger was awful.

38) It was pretty awful wasn't it.

39) His life is awful right now).

40) And I am awful at guessing anything .

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